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Results from SE web retrieved at 09:13 (Local)

Coding Guidelines and Rules This page describes the rules that we use when writing source code. Copyright assignment and license We prefer the use of the modifie...
See http://www.saros
ElectroCodeoGram... /ecg.png … an Environment for Studying Programming This page is outdated and only partly functional. Summary The idea behind the Ele...
Free / Open Source Software Engineering Group This is the homepage of the Free/Open Source Software Engineering Group at the Free University Berlin. We are part o...
Page Survey on Security Assurance in FOSS Members of Project * Sascha Rasmussen * Alexander Kunze * Andrei Haralevich * Advisor: Martin Gruhn Su...
manDA The Gmane Data Analyser GmanDA is a GPL software for performing qualitative data analysis on mailing lists and mboxes. It was developed to ease the work wi...
r8 - 01 Jun 2010 - 18:19 by ChristopherOezbek
JTourBus Simplifying Program Understanding by Documentation that Provides Tours Through the Source Code Abstract Many small and medium sized systems have little ...
Large Language Models in Software Engineering: A Critical Review of Evaluation Strategies and Future Directions worked on by: Ali Bektas Context The emergence o...
Pair Programming Group This is the homepage of the Pair Programming research group at the Free University Berlin. We are part of the Software Engineering Group in...
table.bordered td { border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; } table.bordered th { border: none; height: 50px; font weight: bold; } table.bordered td:first child { text...
Page ProposalHome Diese Seite konzentriert alle aktuellen und vergangenen Forschungsantragsvorgänge Laufend * Graduate School Network Dynamics (DFG) Abgeschl...
Research of AG SE The Software Engineering research group is concerned with reducing the gap between the State of the Art and the average State of the Practice in...
Rules This page collects conventions, process descriptions, rules, guidelines etc. that define how the SE group does business. Principles * WorkgroupPrincipl...
* Fachbereich MI * Mathematik * Informatik * Web FAQ * : * * * Webs * Impressum
NEW - 10 Jul 2007 - 17:09 by ChristopherOezbek
r2 - 14 Apr 2008 - 17:10 by ChristopherOezbek
Seminar "Beiträge zum Software Engineering" (S BSE) Dies ist die Veranstaltungsseite zum fortlaufenden Forschungsseminar "Ausgewählte Beiträge zum Software Engine...
Useful information about this site * WebChanges: Which pages have recently changed? * WebTopicList: A list of all SE topics. * WebNotify: Subscribe to an...
NEW - 15 Sep 2004 - 18:37 by oezbekPCPOOL.MI.FU-BERLIN.DE
Stellenangebot Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (Vollzeit, Entgeltgruppe 13 TV L) für 4 Jahre, mit Lehraufgaben, zur Promotion Was wir tun: Die Arbeitsgruppe e...
Student information Information and pointers for students interested in software engineering Exams (Prüfungen) For an overview of what is required of you, you sh...
Lehre / Teaching This information is of primarily local interest and is therefore in German only. Lehrveranstaltungen der Arbeitsgruppe Software Engineering: Lauf...
AG Software Engineering: Themen für Abschlussarbeiten / Thesis topics (Since this page is mainly for students at FU Berlin it is written in German.) Hier finden S...
Utilization of Design for Six Sigma Approach for Construction of Software Quality Assurance Process: A Case Study in Nokia’s Navigation Voice Package Development ...
NEW - 18 Oct 2013 - 18:15 by sugih1
Migration von TWiki nach FosWiki (Bachelorarbeit) In dieser Bachelorarbeit soll eine Umstellung des aktuell laufenden Betriebs von TWiki am Fachbereich auf Foswik...
r7 - 03 May 2013 - 13:30 by svenklu
Koordinationsseite für die Übungen zu "Empirische Bewertung in der Informatik" 2004 Gruppen Jeder der folgenden Punkte enthält die Namen der Mitglieder einer Gr...
r2 - 13 May 2004 - 17:50 by precheltPCPOOL.MI.FU-BERLIN.DE
This is a subscription service to be automatically notified by e mail when topics change in this SE web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have to come ...
SE Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the SE web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and , and can be ...
Statistics for SE Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
Workshop on Robustness against External Changes (WoREC) 2017 Call for Submissions More and more do even small software systems rely on one or several external se...
Number of topics: 28

Results from Main web retrieved at 09:13 (Local)

AgseGroup: Wiki access control group for AG SE * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = AgseGroup, AdminGroup
Barry Linnert I am a member of the Software Engineering research group at Freie Universität Berlin. Research Topics: Resource Mgmt. in Cluster and Grid Env.,...
Brückenkurs Informatik Intern Dies sind die Planungseiten für den Brückenkurs Informatik von 2005 2008 durchgeführt von Main.ChristopherOezbek. Folien und Übungs...
r18 - 10 Oct 2008 - 14:38 by ChristopherOezbek
Lin Chen * Student member of Working group Software Engineering * Thesis: Einführung eines Testprozesses * E mail: nudelfishandme at
Dipl. Inform. Christoph Jacob * E Mail: Christoph.Jacob at * Telefon: 49 30 450 564 424 Diplomarbeit: * "Weiterentwicklung eines Werkzeug...
Danou Nauck (research associate) some short information on myself I was part of the Software Engineering Working Group at the Freie Universität Berlin for some...
* Name: Florian Thiel * Login Name: thiel #64;PCPOOL.MI.FU BERLIN.DE * Email: thiel #64;inf.fu * Phone: * Workgroup: AG Software Engineerin...
r2 - 27 Aug 2009 - 09:30 by ChristopherOezbek
.logo { display: inline block; margin right: 0.8em; background position: left center; background size: auto 100%; background repeat: no repeat; } .logo ...
Gesine Milde Secretary of the software engineering research group Freie Universität Berlin Institut für Informatik Takustr. 9 14195 Berlin Germany Office: 0...
Linus Ververs I am a research associate in the Software Engineering research group at Freie Universität Berlin. Freie Universität Berlin Institut für Informatik...
Lutz Prechelt's Homepage I am professor of Informatics and head of the software engineering research group (AG SE). Freie Universität Berlin Institut für Informat...
Martin Gruhn's Homepage I worked with the Software Engineering research group (in German: Arbeitsgruppe Software Engineering AG SE) as research associate until ...
NPS Migration Überblick und Corporate Design Der Fachbereich stellt vom März bis November 2006 die wichtigsten seiner Webseiten auf ein neues Design, eine neue ...
Philipp Cordes * Web: * Student member of Working group Software Engineering
Used for access protection for a few internal pages related to the Saros project of the AG SE.
Sebastian Jekutsch I've been a research assistant of the software engineering research group (AG SE) at FU Berlin from 2004 to 2007. Teaching Sommersemester 200...
Häufige Fragen (mit Antworten) Diese Seite beantwortet häufige Fragen (Frequently Asked Questions, FAQs) rechtlicher, technischer und methodischer Art zum Gebrauc...
Number of topics: 17
Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Informatik