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Utilization of Design for Six Sigma Approach for Construction of Software Quality Assurance Process: A Case Study in Nokia’s Navigation Voice Package Development (extern)


Nowadays software has become not separable from life in modern society. It exists in every digital device that people use. Healthcare, automobile, and communication are just some example areas that rely on software. Due to that, the importance of software testing becomes higher and not less than its development. Since it is still relatively a young field, terms and methodologies that are used can vary from one author to another. However, in its foundation the main purpose is clear, which is to make sure that the software has good degree of quality. In order to achieve that, testing phases need to be planned before test execution and incorporated into a Quality Assurance process that manages the workflow. In this project, Nokia’s Navigation Voice Package (NVP) will serve as a case study.

The QA process that is currently in use to assess NVP’s quality is already relatively old, since it was developed for NVP version 1.0. Meanwhile, NVP recently has reached version 4.0, which has more features and different code design. Therefore, in order to be able to test it better, a new QA process needs to be designed. To achieve that, this thesis follows Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) approach in designing the solution.

The role of DFSS here is to help designing the QA process systematically so it can discover software fault as early as possible effectively and efficiently. This project will begin with identifying the product and available resources, while also collecting requirements from QA engineer as customer of the QA process and then translating it into Critical-to-Quality. Once the definition is set, it sets forth with concept development; besides common test approach, creative and innovative solution will be developed using TRIZ method. Depending on possibility and necessity, automation and manual testing approach will be used complementarily. Test levels such as unit test, integration test, and system test will support as basic structure for the test plan. In the next two phases of DFSS, Optimize and Verify, the process design will be optimized by reducing potential noises and then the final concept will be revisited for verification. In the verification phase, the final design will be checked for customer requirements fulfillment. However, because of time constraint, implementation of the QA process is not part of the scope. The output of this project is a QA process for NVP that is comprehensive and tailored according to the product characteristic of NVP.

Additional Information

Author: Hartono Sugih

Thesis Advisor: Prof. Dr. Ina Schieferdecker (FU Berlin); Dipl.-Ing. Carolina Fernandes-Lemos-Bonin (Nokia)
Topic revision: r1 - 18 Oct 2013, sugih1 - This page was cached on 25 Feb 2025 - 09:49.

Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Informatik