You are here: IT » ServicesLinux » ServicesLinuxVpn

Deutsche Version

Der IT-Dienst MI empfiehlt unter Linux die Einrichtung über Openconnect als Alternative zum Cisco Secure Client.

Die Einrichtung ist im more Tip4U#32 ab Seite 5 beschrieben.

English Version

The IT service MI recommends setting up via Openconnect under Linux as an alternative to the Cisco Secure Client.

The setup is described in Tip4U#32 from page 5 in German. As this is only available in German, here is a short version of the basics:

  • Settings / Network / VPN / press the + icon
  • Select Multiprotocoll VPN-Client (openconnect) # dont use Cisco-compatible vpnc !
  • Identity Tab:
    • Set Name to FU (or anything you like)
    • Set Gateway to
    • Set User Agent to AnyConnectLinux
  • Next Tab IPv4: No Changes
  • Next Tab IPv6: Select deactivate
  • Click on the top right Button (add)
  • Now you can select the VPN (outside FU-Networks, -- You can't test your VPN inside the FU becausee you are already inside)
  • On the small window which does start, click the "Login" button (not the connect)
  • A new browser window will start with the Default FU-Login Single Sign-On FUB-IT
  • Enter your FU credentials and multifactor authentication if asked for.
  • You are connected to the VPN now and you can close the browser tab or window.
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