We are offering a broad selection of thesis topics in bioinformatics, computer science and data science. Reach out and discuss!
Past thesis topics
Master's theses
Bachelor's theses
Jonah Reiner (BSc Bioinformatics): Drug Response Prediction in Cancer Cell Lines: Ablation Study and Input Modality Analysis of a Graph-Informed Deep Neural Network Model using Permutations
Thea Steuerwald (BSc Bioinformatics): Multi-omics Analysis of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Data
Carina Fischer (BSc Bioinformatics): Effects of single and multiple perturbations within the ERK, PI3K/Akt and Wnt/β-catenin signalling network using ODE vs. network diffusion
Jan Ehlting (BSc Informatik): Computergestützte Methodik zur Simulation und Untersuchung struktureller Veränderungen in Proteinnetzwerken