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DILiS - Team

Prof. Dr. Katharina Baum (Chair)

DSC 0023-be rot hochkant-01 lessqual.jpg
(C) Fotostudio Graetz
Takustr. 9, R. 161
+49 30 838 55850
Office hours: Wednesday 9-10 am (after appointment via email)
link to personal homepage

Pauline Hiort (WiMi - PhD Student)

Takustr. 9, R. 160

Pascal Iversen (WiMi - PhD Student)

Takustr. 9, R. 160

Umur Can Kaya (WiMi - PhD Student)

Takustr. 9, R. 160

Tanja Orth (Assistant)

Takustr. 9, R. 136

Flavio Morelli (Associated, guest, PhD Student)

Renk Asik (FU Berlin, Internship student)


  • Dr. Sukrit Gupta (Postdoctoral Researcher, guest)
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