Michael Franz (Irvine), Cyber Attacks and Defenses: Trends, Challenges, and Outlook
Abstract: A cyber attacker needs to find only one way in, while defenders need to guard a lot of ground. Adversaries can fully debug and perfect their attacks on their own computers, exactly replicating the environment that they will later be targeting. This is the situation today, which has been exacerbated by an increasing trend towards a software "monoculture," in which there are only two major desktop operating systems, two major phone operating systems, one major office software suite, and so on. One possible defense is based on making the targets more dissimilar from each other, which raises the cost to attackers since they need to adapt their attack to each specific target. An alternative defense is based on creating a model of what a "correct" program does, and enforcing that model at run-time. I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these two approaches and their evolution over the past two decades. Unfortunately, attackers are evolving too, resulting in a "cat and mouse" situation in which defenses are almost always reactive to attacks that have already been observed. I will discuss my vision of how to get ahead of the attackers, and close by stating why, in spite of the bleak situation today, I am confident that we will eventually be able to stop most kinds of low-level cyber attacks completely.
Ort: Takustraße 9, Seminarrraum 049
21. IBBB-Tagung: GI-Tagung zur Schulinformatik in Berlin und Brandenburg 2025
Ort: Freie Universität Berlin GEÄNDERTER ORT: Vorträge im Hörsaal 1b, Rostlaube, Habelschwerdter Allee 45. Workshops in der Fabeckstr. 35, 14195 Berlin
Fachvortrag: Blockchain im Finanzwesen
Thema: Die Perspektive der Deutschen Bank auf aufkommende DLT- basierte Geldformen
Ort: Takustr. 9, Großer Hörsaal
Hands-On Session: Smart Contracts in der Praxis
Thema: Chainlinks Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) und ein tiefer Einblick in die Feinheiten von Blockchain-Orakeln und Smart-Contract-Bereitstellung
Ort: Takustr. 9, SR 005
Matthias Bentert: Planar min-sum disjoint paths in subexponential FPT time
Abstract: In this talk, I will present a subexponential parameterized algorithm for finding k vertex-disjoint paths of minimal total length between given terminal pairs in a planar graph parameterized by the number of edges in the solution. The algorithm generalizes to different settings such as edge-weighted graphs and/or directed graphs. We complement our algorithm by an almost matching ETH-based lower bound. This is joint work with Petr Golovach and Fedor Fomin.
Ort: Takustraße 9, Seminarrraum 049
Computer Science Colloquium on Antisocial Behaviour Detection and Mitigation in Online Platforms
When : Friday, 1.11. at 14:00 – 16:30 Where: Freie Universität Berlin, Institute of Computer Science, seminar room SR031, Arnimallee 7, 14195 Berlin Organiser: Prof. Dr. Adrian Paschke Program 14:00 – 14:30 Prof. Apostol: Exploring the Frontiers of Antisocial Detection and Analysis Through Deep Learning 14:30 – 15:00 Jan Fillies: Challenges of Hate Speech Detection in Online Communication Among Adolescents 15:00 – 15:30 Prof. Truica: What's next after Antisocial Behaviour Detection? Large Graph Network Immunization 15:30 – 16:30 Networking
Ort: Arnimallee 7, SR031
Kolloquiumsvortrag Cristiano Premebida
Kolloquiumsvortrag Prof. Dr. Cristiano Premebida (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Ort: Takustr. 9, SR051
Nobody Can Program Correctly
Dr. Sebastian Theophil, Senior Software Engineer at Think-Cel
Ort: Institut für Informatik EG Gr. Hörsaal Takustraße 9 14195 Berlin
Fachvortrag: Kryptowährungen und Blockchain
Thema: Towards a trusted network in the virtual asset & cryptocurrencies market
Ort: Takustr. 9, SR 006
Blockchain Bootcamp (Tag 2)
Thema: Decentralized finance (DeFi) systems and Chainlink's Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP)
Ort: Takustr. 9, SR 005
Blockchain Bootcamp (Tag 1)
Thema: Introduction to programming smart contracts
Ort: Takustr. 9, SR 005
Kolloquiumsvortrag Youssef Nader
Kolloquiumsvortrag Youssef Nader (Freie Universität Berlin)
Ort: Arnimallee 7, SR031
Kolloquiumsvortrag Prof. Dr. Markus Luczak-Roesch
Kolloquiumsvortrag Prof. Dr. Markus Luczak-Roesch (Victoria University of Wellington): I guess everything's an IGUS? Complexity science and potential avenues to advance our understanding of AI
Ort: SR031, Arnimallee 7, 14195 Berlin
Kolloquiumsvortrag Dr. Anna Hilsmann
Kolloquiumsvortrag Dr. Anna Hilsmann (Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut): Learning to be human: Von volumetrischem Video zu realistischen Avataren
Ort: SR 006, Takustr. 9, 14195 Berlin
Kolloquiumsvortrag Dr. Franz Zieris
Kolloquiumsvortrag Dr. Franz Zieris: Agiler Öltanker oder Freeclimbing? Von der Anforderung zur Umsetzung in Kundenprojekten
Ort: Raum 046, Takustr. 9, 14195 Berlin
Kolloquiumsvortrag Prof. Dr. Florin Manea
Kolloquiumsvortrag Prof. Dr. Florin Manea (Göttingen)
Ort: online via Zoom
Verteidigung BA F. Casares
Ort: Arnimallee 7, SR031
Qurator 2020
Ort: Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS), Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31, 10589 Berlin
Verteidigung MA T. Schülke
Ort: Arnimallee 7, SR031
Kolloquiumsvortrag Prof. Dr. Beishiu Liao
Kolloquiumsvortrag Beishui Liao, Zhejiang University, China
Ort: Takustr. 9, SR 005
Verteidigung MA P. Hirschfeld
Ort: SR 031, Arnimallee 7, 14195 Berlin
Tag der offenen Tür am DCMLR
Presse-Einladung: Tag der Offenen Tür am 4. Juni 2019 für Journalistinnen und Journalisten am Dahlem Center for Machine Learning and Robotics Im Berliner Zukunftslabor für Roboter und Künstliche Intelligenz
Ort: Arnimallee 7, 14195 Berlin, SR 031
Kolloquiumsvortrag Prof. Dr. Jan von Plato
Kolloquiumsvortrag Jan von Plato, Universität Helsinki
Ort: Takustr. 9, SR006
Kolloquiumsvortrag Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Engelen
Kolloquiumsvortrag Eva-Maria Engelen, Universität Konstanz
Ort: Takustr. 9, SR006
Verteidigung BA G. Hinderland
Ort: Arnimallee 7, SR031
Verteidigung MA J. Mertens
Ort: Arnimallee 7, SR031
Kolloquiumsvortrag Prof. Dr. Otfried Cheong
Kolloquiumsvortrag Prof. Dr. Otfried Cheong, KAIST.
Ort: Takustr. 9, Raum 053
Kolloquiumsvorträge S. Wimmer und M. Haslbeck
Kolloquiumsvorträge Simon Wimmer und Max Haslbeck, Technische Universität München
Ort: Takustr. 9, SR006
Verteidigung BA A. Defèr
Ort: Takustr. 9, SR053
ACM ICN 2017
Prof. Matthias Wählisch was appointed as Local Chair of 4th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN) 2017 . ACM ICN is the top-tier conference on Information-Centric Networking, technically sponsored by ACM and ACM SIGCOMM.
Ort: Institute of Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Kolloquiumsvortrag Prof. Kirk Visscher
Kolloquiumsvortrag Kirk Visscher, University of California
Ort: Takustr. 9, gr. Hörsaal
Verteidigung BA J. Polster
Ort: Arnimallee 7, SR031
Prof. Matthias Wählisch is Poster Chair of ACM SIGCOMM, the top-tier venue in computer networking.
Ort: UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA
GI-Dagstuhl IoT Hackathon
Prof. Wählisch organizes the first GI-Dagstuhl Hackathon, together with colleagues Prof. Alexander Afanasyev (UCLA) and Dr. Oliver Hahm (Zühlke). The objective of the hackathon is to explore challenging problems in the Internet of Things (IoT) by both design discussions and practical prototyping of technical solutions. A special focus will be on potentials of information-centric networking for the IoT.
Kolloquiumsvortrag Laura Semini
Kolloquiumsvortrag Laura Semini Universität Pisa
Ort: SR 055, Takustr. 9
Verteidigung BA V. Brekenfeld
Ort: Arnimallee 7, SR 031
Master's student Andreas Reuter will talk about "Measuring Adoption of RPKI Route Validation and Filtering" in the plenary of the 74th RIPE meeting. Andreas is advised by Prof. Wählisch. This is joint work with our colleagues Randy Bush (IIJ), Ethan Katz-Bassett (USC/Columbia), Italo Cunha (UFMG), and Thomas Schmidt (HAW Hamburg).
Ort: Budapest, Hungary
Berufungsvortrag Dr. Bernhard Standl: Utilizing Computational Thinking for Real-Life Applications
Ort: Institut für Informatik,UG, SR K40
Berufungsvortrag Prof. Dr. Ralf Romeike: Von fachlichen zu fachdidaktischen Innovationen im Informatikunterricht: (Mit) Informatik verstehen und gestalten
Ort: Institut für Informatik, UG, SR K40
Berufungsvortrag Prof. Dr. Maria Knobelsdorf: Theoretische Informatik ist so spannend - wenn da nicht diese Beweise wären..." Ergebnisse einer subjektorientierten Studie zu Übungsaufgaben der Theoretischen Informatik
Ort: Institut für Informatik,UG, SR K40
Berufungsvortrag Prof. Dr. Andreas Mühling: Ein empirisch fundiertes Kompetenzmodell für die Programmierung
Ort: Institut für Informatik, UG, SR K40
Embedded World 2017
We present RIOT at Embedded World 2017. It is is the trade fair for it security for electronic systems and distributed intelligence. For further information, contact Prof. Wählisch.
Ort: Hannover, Germany
NetSys 2017
First year PhD students Marcin Nawrocki and Martine Lenders present the state of their work at the PhD Forum of Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys 2017).
Ort: Göttingen, Germany
Verteidigung MA M. Detlefsen
Ort: Arnimallee 7, SR031
Kolloquiumsvortrag Dr. Heiko Dörr
Ort: SR005, Takustr. 9
ACM IMC 2016
Our paper "Internet Citizenship: Reducing the Footprint of Internet-wide Scans by Topology Aware Prefix Selection" has been accepted to ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) 2016. ACM IMC is sponsored jointly by ACM SIGCOMM and ACM SIGMETRICS. It is the top venue for the presentation of measurement-based research in data communications
Ort: Santa Monica, California, USA
Vortrag R. Rojas, M. Esponda, C. Binying
Ort: Takustr. 9, SR 006
Kolloquiumsvortrag Hinze
Ort: Takustraße 9, Raum 046
ACM ICN 2016
Our poster on "ICN over TSCH: Potentials for Link-Layer Adaptation in the IoT" has been accepted to ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN) 2016. ACM ICN sponsored by ACM SIGCOMM. It is the top venue in the field of Information-centric Networking.
Ort: Kyoto, Japan
GI-Dagstuhl Seminar Aware Machine-to-Machine Communication
Matthias Wählisch has been invited to participate in the GI-Dagstuhl Seminar "Aware Machine-to-Machine Communication".
Ort: Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany
Verteidigung BA J. Krause
Ort: Arnimallee 7, SR031
RIOT Summit 2016
The RIOT Summit aims for bringing together RIOTers, beginners and experts, as well as people interested in the IoT in general and decision makers who plan to deploy RIOT in the future. The event combines plenary talks, hands-on tutorials, and a demos. The Summit will not only inform about latest developments, but will also help to gather feedback from the community to shape the RIOT future.
Ort: Berlin, Germany
Kolloquiumsvortrag Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lenzen
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lenzen, Universität Osnabrück
Ort: Takustr. 9, Gr. Hörsaal
Kolloquiumsvortrag Dr. Luis A. Pineda
Dr. Luis A. Pineda Cortés, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Departamento de Ciencias de la Computacíon
Ort: Arnimallee 7, SR031
Kolloquiumsvortrag PD Dr. Bernhard Renard
PD Dr. Bernhard Renard, Robert Koch-Institut Berlin
Ort: Takustr. 9, SR 055
Dagstuhl Seminar on Information-centric Networking and Security
Matthias Wählisch has been invited to participate in the Dagstuhl Seminar "Information-centric Networking and Security".
Ort: Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany
Verteidigung BA J. Lottermoser
Ort: Arnimallee 7, Raum 018
Matthias Wählisch has been invited to present RTRlib and RPKI MRIO at the 67th NANOG meeting. These two open source projects, which has been co-founded by CST, help to monitor and deploy RPKI, the Resource Public Key Infrastructure. The RPKI is a key element to improve security in Internet backbone routing.
Ort: Chicago, USA
IFIP Networking 2016
Our paper about scalable routing in ICN has been accepted to 15th IFIP Networking.
Ort: Vienna, Austria
Kolloquiumsvortrag Nalepa
Ort: Takustr. 9, Raum 055
Embedded World 2016
We will present RIOT at Embedded World 2016. Visit us in hall 5, booth 5-246h. Thanks to Phytec for hosting the RIOT project!
Ort: Nuremberg, Germany
EWSN 2016
We will present one paper and two demos at the International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN).
CAIDA BGP Hackathon
Master's student Andreas will work on live BGP measurements and monitoring to improve Internet security.
Verteidigung BA V. Dinkel
Ort: Arnimallee 7, SR031
Verteidigung MA D. Neumann
Ort: Arnimallee 7, SR 031
Guest talk by Laura Feeney
Laura Feeney, senior researcher at SICS , will talk about "Inter-network interactions in the internet-of-things". More information below, or contact Matthias Wählisch.
Ort: Takustr. 9, Room: 137
ACM HotNets 2015
Our paper about the relationship between web hosting infrastructure and RPKI deployment has been accepted for presentation at ACM HotNets 2015. This year's acceptance ratio is 18%.
Ort: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Disputation Sebastian Müller
Ort: Institut für Informatik, EG, Raum 006
ACM ICN 2015
We present two posters at the 2nd ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking (ICN 2015). ACM ICN is the top conference on ICN research.
Ort: San Francisco, USA
We will present two demos and one poster at ACM SIGCOMM 2015.SIGCOMM is the flagship annual conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM) on the applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communication.
Ort: London, UK
WOOT@USENIX Security 2015
We present our first results on analyzing the potential of misusing the Web for large, easy DDoS attacks at 9th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT). WOOT is co-located with the 24th USENIX Security Symposium, one of the top five network security conferences.
Ort: Washington, USA
9th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR 2015)
Ort: Seminaris Campus Hotel
Reasoning Web 2015 Summer School (RW 2015)
Ort: Freie Universität Berlin
Berufungsvortrag Kevin Buchin: New Algorithms for Computing Greedy Spanners
Ort: Hörsaal B Physikgebäude
Berufungsvortrag Petra Berenbrink: Analyse Randomisierter Algorithmen
Ort: Hörsaal B Physikgebäude
Berufungsvortrag Gerhard Woeginger: New results on the old k-opt neighborhood
Ort: Institut für Informatik, EG, SR 005
Berufungsvortrag Konstantinos Panagiotou: Phase Transitions in Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Ort: Institut für Informatik, EG, SR 005
Berufungsvortrag Maike Buchin: Model-based classification of trajectories
Ort: Institut für Informatik, EG, SR 006
Berufungsvortrag Wolfgang Mulzer: New Perspectives on Old Problems
Ort: Institut für Informatik, EG, SR 006
Berufungsvortrag Karl Bringmann: A Surrogate for NP-hardness on Polynomial Time Problems
Ort: Institut für Informatik SR 005
Berufungsvortrag Christian Knauer: Augmenting paths to optimize the diameter
Ort: Institut für Informatik SR 005
Berufungsvortrag Nicole Megow: Resource Minimization under Uncertainty
Ort: Institut für Informatik SR 005
Kolloquiumsvortrag Prof. Dr. Kurt Mehlhorn
Prof. Dr. Kurt Mehlhorn Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken
Ort: SR 049, Takustr. 9
We will present RIOT at the Long Night of Sciences 2015. RIOT is an open source project and the friendly operating system for the Internet of Things.
Ort: Takustr. 9, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Guest talk: Jason A. Tran
Jason will talk about recent activities of the Autonomous Networks Research Group (ANRG) at the University of Southern California (USC), with a special focus on the design of a new robotics wireless network testbed. We will also discuss how RIOT can help in this context.
Ort: SR137
Kolloquiumsvortrag Dr. Christof Lutteroth
Dr. Christof Lutteroth, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Ort: Takustr. 9, SR 006
Verteidigung BA Läßig
Ort: SR031, Arnimallee 7
Disputation Denis Grießbach
Ort: Arnimallee 7, SR031
MWS 2015
Hauke Petersen will talk about "RIOT OS – The friendly Operating System" at the Workshop 3: Web of Things – Convergence of Ecosystems at the 5th FOKUS Media Web Symposium.
Ort: Berlin, Germany
ACM MobiSys 2015
We will present two papers at the ACM MobiSys Workshop on IoT challenges in Mobile and Industrial Systems (IoT-Sys 2015).
Ort: Florence, Italy
TMA 2015
Our paper about The Abandoned Side of the Internet: Hijacking Internet Resources When Domain Names Expire was accpeted for the 7th International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis.
Ort: Barcelona, Spain
CeBIT 2015
We present the Peeroskop project at the CeBIT 2015. Visit us at the joint booth of the BMBF (stand D40, hall 9).
Ort: Hannover, Germany
Kolloquiumsvortrag Prof. Dr. Aart Middeldorp
Prof. Dr. Aart Middeldorp, Universität Innsbruck
Ort: SR049, Takustr. 9, 14195 Berlin
Verteidigung MA M. Alber
Ort: SR140, Arnimallee 7
Dagstuhl Seminar Secure Routing for Future Communication Networks
CST member Matthias Wählisch has been invited to participate in the Dagstuhl Seminar "Secure Routing for Future Communication Networks". To advance routing security, a number of significant research problems need to be addressed, which is the goal of this seminar. The first objective is to facilitate brainstorming and exchange of ideas among experts working in different areas and types of secure networking, leading to an improved understanding of the different aspects of secure routing. The second objective is to identify the most important research challenges and to devise a roadmap towards addressing urgent issues. Through the seminar, we are hoping to open up new avenues of research in the area of routing security.
Ort: Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany