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GUIs, Gaze and Exergames - An Overview of my Research at the University of Auckland

29.05.2015 | 14:00 c.t.
Dr. Christof Lutteroth

Dr. C. Lutteroth

Dr. Christof Lutteroth, University of Auckland, New Zealand

During this presentation, I will introduce you to three projects my colleagues and I are currently investigating. I will provide a short overview of each topic and hope to fill you with the same enthusiasm our research team has for Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), Gaze and Exergames. I would be very interested to hear your views on our research to date, and to find common ground for collaborations.

GUIs: We are designing software tools that make it easier to specify, develop and test GUIs. In particular, we have worked with constraint-based GUI layout, which is more powerful than other layout models. We are currently working on extending this work to mobile platforms.

Gaze: We are designing and evaluating gaze-controlled user  interfaces, especially gaze click alternatives. As eye-gaze trackers become more affordable, there is increased interest in using gaze to control applications; imagine browsing the web using just your eyes.

Exergames: In collaboration with psychologists, we are developing exergames which combine traditional exercise equipment with both virtual reality (VR) hardware (Oculus Rift) and body tracking. For example, we have developed a cycling game and investigated how the VR equipment used affects player motivation.

Please contact me for further information at christof@cs.auckland.ac.nz.

I will be in Berlin until early June and would be delighted to talk to you.

Bio: Christof Lutteroth is a senior lecturer (with tenure) in Computer Science at the University of Auckland, where he completed his PhD in 2008. His research interests are in Human-Computer Interaction and Software Engineering.

Kaffee und Kekse ab 13:45 Uhr im Konferenzraum 137, Takustr. 9

Zeit & Ort

29.05.2015 | 14:00 c.t.

Takustr. 9, SR 006