Large Language Models in Software Engineering: A Critical Review of Evaluation Strategies and Future Directions worked on by: Ali Bektas Context The emergence o...
Page ProposalHome Diese Seite konzentriert alle aktuellen und vergangenen Forschungsantragsvorgänge Laufend * Graduate School Network Dynamics (DFG) Abgeschl...
Research of AG SE The Software Engineering research group is concerned with reducing the gap between the State of the Art and the average State of the Practice in...
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Stellenangebot Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in (Vollzeit, Entgeltgruppe 13 TV L) für 4 Jahre, mit Lehraufgaben, zur Promotion Was wir tun: Die Arbeitsgruppe e...
Student information Information and pointers for students interested in software engineering Exams (Prüfungen) For an overview of what is required of you, you sh...
Lehre / Teaching This information is of primarily local interest and is therefore in German only. Lehrveranstaltungen der Arbeitsgruppe Software Engineering: Lauf...
AG Software Engineering: Themen für Abschlussarbeiten / Thesis topics (Since this page is mainly for students at FU Berlin it is written in German.) Hier finden S...
Utilization of Design for Six Sigma Approach for Construction of Software Quality Assurance Process: A Case Study in Nokias Navigation Voice Package Development ...
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Workshop on Robustness against External Changes (WoREC) 2017 Call for Submissions More and more do even small software systems rely on one or several external se...