Plan-Based Process Scheduling on HPC Nodes
worked on by: Kelvin Glaß
Thesis Requirements
- Implement a prototype of a plan based scheduler in the current linux kernel version
- Analyse conditions of the plan (how many idle times, how are they distributed)
Weekly Status
Week 1 (CW 45)
- Research on the architecture of current linux versions
- Create a development infrastructure
- Start implementation of the scheduler
- Created Qemu-Image, Scripts that build and execute the kernel
- Implemented prototype scheduler that switches after a certain time from PB-Scheduler to CFS
- Implemented linux module that starts the plan execution
Next Steps
- Enhance the scheduler so that the switch back from CFS to PB-Scheduler is in time
- Create a first table of contents
- Modify the kernel & module so that the plan can be set by the module
Week 2 (CW 46)
- Enhance prototype
- Enhance development infrastructure
- Create first table of contents
- Working prototype scheduler that switches from PB-Sched. → CFS/Idle and Idle/CFS → PB-Sched.
- The plan can be set by a module
- It is possible to set a new plan after the first is execute
- Created infrastructure script, that converts a plan in csv → linux module + Makefile
Next Steps
- Start with theoretical work (e.g. find a definition of an unstable system)
- Create script that executes all modules one after another and aggregates the results
- Found a race-condition (which led to sporadic kernel-panic) in the prototype, caused by a missing put_prev_task call in the pick_next_task method of the PB-Scheduler
Week 3 (CW 47)
- Enhance test infrastructure
- Start writing first sections
- Start with analysis of criteria of a plan guaranteeing a stable system
- Test script that executes a set of modules and aggregates the results
- First sections: Requirements of the PB-Scheduler prototype, Explanation of the abstract design of the Linux scheduler core functionality, Explanation of the implementation of the Linux scheduler (started)
- Divided stability criteria of a plan into sub problem: 1.: "What is the maximal task length without causing problems for other applications?", 2.: "What is the minimal idle time that allows to run processes from (1.) and run processes depending on the plan?"
Next Steps
- Continue with the definition of criteria
- Continue writing the Explanation of the implementation of the Linux scheduler
- Start analysis of different Queue states (CFS-Q full/empty, PB-Q full/empty)
- Start writing to explain how the PB-Scheduler prototype is implemented in Linux
- Running all tests showed that the delta between switching from idle to PB-Scheduler and switching from cfs to PB-Scheduler is still big. This could be fixed
Week 4 (CW 48)
- Write first draft of chapter "Plan Based Linux Scheduler", results in the "Evaluation" chapter, assumptions in the "Plan" chapter
- Install modified kernel on real hardware and execute all tests
- First (!) draft of the "Plan Based Linux Chapter" (containing: Requirements, Why Linux, Architecture of current Linux scheduler, Module handling)
- Installed Lubuntu (16.10 with a 4.8.0-59-generic) on real hardware, installed modified kernel. The system ran stable with the new kernel (even the X environment).
- Executed tests to check whether the OS itself has a task execution time limitations. The result suggest that no limitation exists. Tested execution times of 1min, 20min, 60min.
Next Steps
- improve drafts
- Create test to determine the minimal free time of a plan (Approach: measure kernel thread exec. time during free time)
Week 5 (CW 49)
- Enhance kernel: Measure kernel thread execution time in a certain period
- Start tests with real HPC application to measure the amount of kernel thread execution time
- Write first draw about the enhancement and the measurement results
- Enhanced kernel: Implemented measurement in __schedule() and required variables in the PB-runqueue structure
- Wrote first results and description of the enhancement
- Measured times for Matrix-Mul. and Primer-Nr.-Generation with MPI (100 test runs per input)
Next Steps
- Find a more representative app, define a testset, measure it, document environment, document results
- If possible: Derive abstract result from the measurement results.
- Find a representative example HPC application
- Running such an application is not easy in QEMU. Therefore it was necessary to run on real hardware.
- The first measurements results were wrong, because the idle thread is also a kernel thread, but the idle time should not be a part of the kernel thread execution time.
Week 6 (CW 1)
- Write first version of the evaluation
- Research for the first chapter that describes the plan creation, grid computing and the VRM
- Write first version of the evaluation
- First sketches of the grid computing explanation
Next Steps
- Clean the second chapter so that the first chapter will the remaining main task
Week 7 (CW 2)
- Complete the code: rename variables, change indentation so that the code fits into LaTeX code boxes, Test the changed code
- Create State Transition Diagram and integrate into tex
- Correct result charts (error bars are < 0)
- Add explanation of the task_struct
- Add short explanation of each Linux scheduler module
- Check assessment criteria
- Cleaned code
- Cleaner version of the seconds chapter
Next Steps
- Research for chapter 1
- Write chapter 1
As of Week 8 (CW 3)
- Iterative writing process