Softwareprojekt: "Agile Softwareentwicklung in einem Open-Source-Projekt": Product Backlog

Current Sprint: 4 (KW 38)

ID Area Short Description Priority Sprint Status
NiceCursor-1 User Interface In addition to the current annotation (slightly lighter color than the contribution annotation), a fake cursor (vertical bar) plus a prototype of a small “tag” with the user name should appear (similar to GoogleDocs). starred 1-2 choice-yes
NiceCursor-2 User Interface The small tag looks similar to the mock-up, and copes with special cases (cursor in first line, cursor beyond right viewport border, cursor near local cursor) starred 2-4 mechanics
Bug-782 Chat Chatroom is not auto opened when receiving a message starred 1-2 choice-no
Bug-609 User Interface Wizards are not nicely displayed on Ubuntu starred 1-3 choice-yes
PauseResume Workflow Offer the possibility to save and restore the state of a running session consisting of participants and shared resources. starred    
Connectivity Network Detect (and safely teardown the session upon) broken network connection (see Bug-335 and Bug-605) starred    
WbReintegrate Whiteboard Reintegrate the whiteboard feature as implemented by Hendrik Degener (following the plan worked out by Arsenij Solovjev). starred 2-4 mechanics
WbEnhance Whiteboard Enhance the new Whiteboard with some nice features and fix some of the non-trivial bugs that popped up during the task WbReintegrate star-full    
NiceCursor-3 User Interface The small tag may be switched off through the Preferences star-full 4 mechanics
OwnCursor User Interface The local cursor gets a similar tag when the user is in a session (may be switched off through the Preferences) star-full 2-4 choice-yes
SessionView User Interface Two points:
* Represent the FollowMode by “hanging” the follower as a tree item under the followed one.
* Saros had a ColorBar once (e.g. see commit e2073e9). It was removed for unknown reasons.
YellowDot User Interface The YellowDot creates too much noise. Remove it, and replace the GreenDot with a UserDot. star-full    
FollowMode Workflow * Ask upon SessionInvitation: „Do you want to start in Follow Mode?“ (Checkbox, unchecked by default → follows Host)
* ToggleButton with n states (see Search feature in EGit’s History view)
Keyboard shortcut ALT+SHIFT+F as alternative way for going through the states.
Invitation User Interface Consolidate the three subprocesses of SessionInvitation, ProjectInvitation and data transfer into three pages of one Wizard. star-half    
AutoFollow User Interface Make it impossible to follow oneself. star-half    
SelectionAnno User Interface Nicer selection annotation; use one big block and not separate lines star-half 1-3 choice-yes  
SelectionReact User Interface More intelligent selection: react on changes by other participants underneath star-none    

Priority Description
starred high
star-full medium
star-half low
star-none least

Detailed Descriptions


  • Offer the possibility to save and restore the state of a running session
    • consisting of participants and shared resources
  • Further Information:
    • Saros Light might have a similar feature to build upon
    • Also see Gerrit #60


  • The annotation for other users’ current selection (or text cursor) is not very recognizable.
  • In addition to the current annotation (slightly lighter color than the contribution annotation), a fake cursor with a small “tag” with the user name should appear (similar to GoogleDocs).
  • Further Information:





Current Selection Annotation Intended Selection Annotation
Topic revision: r9 - 20 Sep 2013, FzierisUserTopic - This page was cached on 22 Feb 2025 - 13:28.

Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Informatik