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"Time-evolving networks in medical applications" SS 2015


Start on June 30: 9:30 in SR119, A3.

Vorbesprechung am 14.4.2015, 10:15 in SR 119, Arnimallee 3

General information


Lectures: Heike Siebert, Natasa Conrad

Language: English / German


Tuesday 10-12h SR 119/A3


Complex networks play a central role in biological modeling. In many medical applications the networks of interest, such as contact networks describing the spread of a disease or molecular networks capturing important cell functions, are not static but change over time. Understanding the way essential network characteristics evolve temporally often is crucial in the search for control mechanisms to counteract or prohibit detrimental effects and is thus a key challenge in fields such as epidemiology or evolutionary medicine. Within the seminar we will discuss basic theory, applications and challenges of time-evolving networks in the field of medical research on the basis of recent journal publications.

Schedule (subject to change)

Date Lecturer Topic Material
14.04. Vorbesprechung
28.04. Review talk on static networks and their applications slides
12.05. Hafiz Muhammad Hamid Introduction to time evolving networks for infectious disease spreading slides
19.05. Kersten, Nina Analysis of face-to-face behavioral networks
26.05. Dick, Fiona Dynamic reconfiguration of human brain networks during learning
02.06. Rams, Mona Temporal motifs
Schüllermann, Tino Structural controllability of temporal networks
09.06. Frisch, Tobias Centrality measures for temporal networks
Gosdschan, Alexander Mapping change in large networks slides
16.06. Liedtke, Melanie Extracting time evolving networks from data: Reality Mining-Sensing Complex Social Systems
23.06. Valcheva, Ana Components in time-varying graphs slides
30.06. Solleder, Marthe Control and Immunization of epidemics in time evolving networks
Krannich, Thomas Epidemiologically optimal static networks from temporal network data


List fo topics

P. Holme and J. Saramäki, Temporal networks, 2012.

N. Masuda and P. Holme, Predicting and controlling infectious disease epidemics using temporal networks, 2013

Minimum requirements

To successfully complete the course you need to deliver

  • 45-60 minutes presentation
  • short abstract (3 pages + references) to be handed in July 26, 2015, at the latest

To prepare your talk make sure to meet with your supervisor:

  • at least 3 weeks before your talk to discuss your topic
  • at least 1 week before your talk to discuss an outline for your talk


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