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Act i ML Act i ML, active informed machine learning, is a joint project between Free University Berlin and Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering, Potsd...
Homepage of Katharina Baum Professor at the Institute of Computer Science at the Free University Berlin, head of the research group Data Integration in the Life S...
DILiS News and Outreach Activities January 7, 2025: DILiS goes BLISS Join the BLISS speaker series on Tuesday, January 7, 6:45 pm, to listen to a talk by Kathari...
DILiS Publications peer reviewed * Pietz T, Gupta S, Schlaffner CN, Ahmed S, Steen H, Renard BY, Baum K: PEPerMINT: peptide abundance imputation in mass spect...
DILiS Research Projects DrDimont: Explainable drug response prediction from differential analysis of multi omics networks We developed a novel pipeline, DrDi...
DILiS Teaching These are our planned, current and past teaching offers. You can join our research seminar at any time (please be aware that the schedule might swi...
Prof. Dr. Katharina Baum Chair Takustr. 9, R. 161 49 30 838 55850 katharina.baum@fu Office hours: Wednesday 9 10 am (boo...
* Team * Research Projects * Teaching * Theses * News and Outreach * Publications
Number of topics: 11
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