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Results from ABI web retrieved at 09:17 (Local)

AsperaDownloads Aspera is a company that provides the fasp protocol which uses UDP for file transfer and is much faster than FTP over TCP. The protocol is proprie...
NEW - 25 Jun 2013 - 12:56 by HoltgrewUserTopic
OUTDATED! Go to: https://wikis.fu Beamer Calendars * Beamer Calendar General (beamer for lending/public use, if need be) * Be...
Polish Up Your English * Oxford Dictionaries: Better Writing * Oxford Dictionaries: Grammar * Oxford Dictionaries: Punctuation
OUTDATED! Do not use. Page BeverageOrder We plan to regularly order beverages and others from Please fill in your orders and give t...
OUTDATED! Please use calendar orders at https://www.mi.fu Calendar Order Table Name DIN A 4, card board, 6 months on each si...
Page CalendarOrders Calendar Order Table Name DIN A 4, card board, 6 months on each side large sized paper calendar, one year on one sheet (fits on door: 8...
ClinicalDegradomics Background: Recent scientific advances, including sequencing of the genome and new approaches to modeling complex biological systems may ultim...
r10 - 12 May 2011 - 10:44 by StephanAiche
Page CoffeeCoffeeCoffee This page is world readable but can only be changed by .mi_agabi, .mi_ag_se. Kaffee Gedicht Kaffee, Kaffee, Kaffee, Kaffee, Kaffee, Kaffe...
Page ConsultationsP4 Bitte tragt euch hier einen Termin (~60 Minuten) in einem der angebotenen Zeitfenster ein. Bringt zu diesem Termin auch die schriftliche Ausa...
r24 - 30 Jul 2009 - 16:28 by drefahl
Drafts * Rabema * RazerS2 * RazerS2Revision * Read Mapper Benchmarks * Fiona * Stellar * SearchJoin
r8 - 23 Jan 2013 - 11:23 by EnricoSiragusa
Event Locations A selection of full service locations for meetings, conferences, retreats, and of places to go for lunch/dinner or special events. For the organi...
How To Improve Your Slides, Articles etc. This document aims to help to circumvent some pitfalls in data presentation and creating scientific articles and slides....
Restaurant Recommendations A collection of restaurant recommendations. You are welcome to add more recommendations. * See also: Restaurants Cafés in Event Locat...
OUT OF USE! Go to: https://kvv.imp.fu * SS 2018 * PMSB SeqAn * SS 2017 * PMSB SeqAn * SS 2016 * Journal Club * ...
Office Furniture Hardware / Büroeinrichtung Technik Office Chairs / Bürostühle Room No. total number of chairs how many are flawed/need replacement *t...
OUTDATED! Do not use. Office Furniture Hardware / Büroeinrichtung Technik Office Chairs / Bürostühle Room No. total number of chairs *how many are fla...
Main.AnjaKasseckert 14 Jul 2021 KWxx xx to xx Month 202x AG xxx complete until xxxday, xx Month xx:xxh Für FBV: Kontakt im Covid 19 Benachrichtigungsfall:...
Page ProteinID Progress reports Progress report fall 2010 Section 2 ((content)) Comments MajorRevisionAntilope MyTodos
Research Cooperations The Reinert group at FU Berlin maintains research cooperations with German and international research groups. Note that this list here is no...
Page ResearchLogAlessandroMammana ((short description what this page is about)) Section 1 ((content)) Section 2 ((content)) Comments
NEW - 10 Jan 2012 - 15:35 by AlessandroMammana
Algorithm Engineering for High Throughput Sequencing Data Summary During the last five years modern sequencing technologies have brought a super exponential grow...
Research Logs * Genome Comparison (Birte Kehr, Manuel Holtgrewe) * Precursor Selection (Alexandra Zerck) * Indices and Applications (David Weese) * BW...
r8 - 20 Oct 2014 - 16:16 by CxpanUserTopic
Information about the SeqAn retreat Please keep checking for updates! Schedule The meeting begins on Monday, 04 Oct 2010 at 10 a.m. and ends on Friday, 08 Oct 20...
Information about the SeqAn workshop 2011 The SeqAn BioStore website is up. Please find information here.
Guidelines for the Organization of Meetings Technical Factors * find/reserve a room SeqAn Retreat March 2012 with Illumina: T9/053 * look into technical...
StundenPlan Reinert / Piro / Marsico SoSe 2017 time: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8 10 10 12 SeqAnalys (VL) 051/t9 ...
Theses Page OUTDATED! Go to: https://kvv.imp.fu Available topics * If you are interested in doing your thesis in algorithmic bioinformatic...
Thesis Proposals OUTDATED! Go to: https://kvv.imp.fu Here is the section for BSc and MSc students. At the beginning of the thesis the student ...
List of current tutors Summer Semester 2015 LV (Title) Tutor's Name Tutor's Email Supervisor (Prof/WiMi) … ...
r11 - 22 Feb 2016 - 11:41 by thwelln31416
ABI Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the ABI web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and , and can b...
r26 - 07 Mar 2014 - 21:01 by weese
Statistics for ABI Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: ...
Number of topics: 31
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