Restaurant Recommendations

A collection of restaurant recommendations. You are welcome to add more recommendations.

See also: Restaurants & Cafés in Event Locations.

Dahlem (near FU)



Ristorante Galileo

(inside FU-Mensa)

Ristorante Piaggio

(opposite U Dahlem-Dorf)


Trattoria del Corso

One of the best pizza/pasta places in Berlin. The quality is at least as good as at Il Trivo etc. but the service is actually good and everyone is friendly.

  • Food: Pizza, Pasta
  • Drinks: Restaurant-typical full selection



Pizza a pezzi, other pizza. Good quality, a bit more oily than Pizza Garda, somewhat more creative kinds.

  • Food: Pizza 2,50 EUR


Ristorante Essenza

Elegant but not too expensive place on Potsdamer Platz.


Cafe Klein Schwalbenberg

Located conveniently at the Trieglaw bridge in Mueggelheim. If you make a bike tour around Mueggelsee, you will pass over the bridge.

  • Food: Cake 1,50 EUR, Gateau 2,50 EUR.
  • Drinks: Cold Drinks, Coffee 1,70 EUR.


Pizza Garda

Pizza a pezzi (pieces of pizza, cut of pre-baked large pizzas that are then warmed up). Great stuff, pizza is not too oily, friendly staff.

  • Food: Margarita is 1,80 EUR, with toppings 2,00 EUR.
  • Drinks: Lemon/Orange lemonade 1,80 EUR.

Topic revision: r5 - 15 Apr 2014, KasseckeUserTopic - This page was cached on 14 Mar 2025 - 08:50.

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