Guidelines for the Organization of Meetings

Technical Factors

  • find/reserve a room > SeqAn Retreat March 2012 with Illumina: T9/053
  • look into technical/computer requirements
  • during semester holidays:
    inform Susi Üzel, FBV about place and dates of the meeting with regard to cleaning of the room(s): "...Wir haben eine Veranstaltung vom...bis... in Raum.../Straße. Bitte lassen Sie den Raum in der Zeit in den Reinigungsplan aufnehmen."
  • put up direction signs to location

Food Factors

  • coffee, tea, milk, sugar, cookies (possibly: coffee filters, table napkins, if out of stock)
  • beverages: Durstexpress (= Getränke Hoffmann) - phone 0800 4402200 - our Kd.-Nr. 16386 - ask for delivery "auf Rechnung"!
  • fresh fruit when indicated (large meetings only)
  • catering service when indicated (large meetings only)

Administrative Factors

  • prepare a list of participants
  • prepare a list of your expenses
  • keep all invoices/receipts
  • prepare a list of fees/revenues received
  • prepare confirmations of participation/invoices, if required (Teilnahmebescheinigung/Rechnung)


  • coffee, tea, milk, sugar, cookies:
    room 013, cupboard next to Anja's desk
  • mugs, glasses, tea-spoons, bowls, coffee machines (big/small), round filters for big machine, thermos flasks, table napkins:
    kitchen 022a, white cupboard/bottom (the key is in room 013 where the other keys are kept)
  • cold beverages: wherever seems appropriate to you

Preparations for the day (each day of the meeting)

  • make sure the tables in the meeting room(s) are clean
  • change seating arrangements, if required
  • prepare tables for hot and cold beverages, cookies, mugs, glasses, etc.
  • prepare tables/room for catering, if required
  • get everything ready (coffee, hot water, cookies, fruit) and arrange it nicely
  • get the room and gear clear and ready for the next day


  • leave all tables and seats clean and clear of waste
  • re-establish FU seating arrangements
  • clean out and scrub the big coffe machine and all thermos flasks
  • return all clean tableware, machines, thermos flasks, tea-spoons, etc. to the white cupboard/bottom in the kitchen 022a
  • return all technical gear to IT-Service if applicable
Topic revision: r1 - 29 Feb 2012, AnjaKasseckert - This page was cached on 14 Mar 2025 - 08:52.

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