Barry Linnert

I am a member of the Software Engineering research group at Freie Universität Berlin.

Barry LinnertBarry Linnert Research Topics: Resource Mgmt. in Cluster and Grid Env., HPC, Operating Systems
Additional Interests: Parallel and distributed Simulations

Barry Linnert
Freie Universität Berlin
Takustr. 9
14195 Berlin

Room: 008
Phone: +49 30 838 50953

Office hours: Monday, 12:00 - 12:30 p.m. room 008, Takustr. 9
lecture-free time (vorlesungsfreie Zeit) - by appointment only

Offices (in German)

Teaching (in German)

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see here and the addition of an “BL”


  • Barry Linnert, Cesar De Rose and Hans-Ulrich Heiss. Toward a Dynamic Allocation Strategy for Deadline-Oriented Resource and Job Management in HPC Systems.
    Concurrency And Computation: Practice And Experience, 2024

  • Barry Linnert, Cesar De Rose and Hans-Ulrich Heiss. Impact of a dynamic Allocation Policy for Resource and Job Management Systems in deadline-oriented Scenarios.
    Proceedings of the 24th Symposium on High Performance Computing Systems (WSCAD 2023), 2023

  • Barry Linnert, Jörg Schneider and Lars-Olof Burchard. Mapping Algorithms Optimizing the Overall Manhattan Distance for pre-occupied Cluster Computers in SLA-based Grid environments.
    Proceedings of the 14th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2014). IEEE CS Press., 2014

  • Jörg Schneider and Barry Linnert. List-based Data Structures for Efficient Management of Advance Reservations.
    International Journal of Parallel Programming. Springer, 77-93, 2014

  • Jörg Schneider and Barry Linnert. Efficiently Managing Advance Reservations Using Lists of Free Blocks.
    Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD 2011), 183-190., 2011

  • Jörg Schneider, Julius Gehr, Barry Linnert, and Thomas Röblitz. An Efficient Protocol for Reserving Multiple Grid Resources in Advance.
    Grid and Services Evolution (Proceedings of the 3rd CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Middleware). Springer, 189-204., 2009

  • Lars-Olof Burchard, Hans-Ulrich Heiss, Barry Linnert, Jörg Schneider, and Cesar A.F. De Rose. VRM: A failure-aware Grid resource management system.
    International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking, 215-226(12), 2008

  • César AF De Rose, Hans-Ulrich Heiss, and Barry Linnert. Distributed dynamic processor allocation for multicomputers.
    Parallel Computing 33.3 (2007): 145-158. 2007

  • Jörg Schneider, Barry Linnert, and Lars-Olof Burchard. Distributed Workflow Management for Large-Scale Grid Environments.
    IEEE/IPSJ International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT 2006), pages 229--235, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, January 2006. IEEE Computer Society Press. 2006

  • Lars-Olof Burchard, Hans-Ulrich Heiss, Barry Linnert, Jörg Schneider, Odej Kao, Matthias Hovestadt, Felix Heine, and Axel Keller. The Virtual Resource Manager: Local Autonomy versus QoS Guarantees for Grid Applications.
    In Vladimir Getov, Domenico Laforenza, and Alexander Reinefeld, editors, Future Generation Grids, volume 2 of CoreGrid, 2006

  • Lars-Olof Burchard, Jörg Schneider, and Barry Linnert. Distributed Workflow Management.
    Mitteilungen - Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V., Parallel-Algorithmen und Rechnerstrukturen (ISSN 0177-0454), December 2005

  • Lars-Olof Burchard, Jörg Schneider, and Barry Linnert. Rerouting Strategies for Networks with Advance Reservations.
    First IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing (e-Science 2005), pages 446--453, Melbourne, Australia, December 2005. IEEE CS Press. 2005

  • Lars-Olof Burchard, Cesar A. F. De Rose, Hans-Ulrich Heiss, Barry Linnert, and Jörg Schneider. VRM: A Failure-Aware Grid Resource Management System.
    Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, pages 218--225. IEEE press, October 2005

  • Lars-Olof Burchard, Barry Linnert, and Jörg Schneider. A Distributed Load-Based Failure Recovery Mechanism for Advance Reservation Environments.
    5th ACM/IEEE Intl. Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2005), volume 2, pages 1071--1078, May 2005

  • Lars-Olof Burchard, Jörg Schneider, and Barry Linnert. Distributed Workflow Management.
    Proceedings of the Workshop Grid-Technologie für den Entwurf technischer Systeme, April 2005

  • Lars-Olof Burchard, Felix Heine, Matthias Hovestadt, Odej Kao, Axel Keller, and Barry Linnert. A Quality-of-Service Architecture for Future Grid Computing Applications.
    Proceedings 13th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems (WPDRTS 2005), pages 132a--132a, 2005

  • Lars-Olof Burchard and Barry Linnert. Failure Recovery in Distributed Environments with Advance Reservation Management Systems.
    15th IEEE/IFIP Distributed Systems: Operations and Management (DSOM), 2004

  • Lars-Olof Burchard, Barry Linnert, Hans-Ulrich Heiss, and Jörg Schneider. Resource Co-Allocation in Grid Environments.
    Synergies between Information and Automation: 49. Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium, 2004

  • Lars-Olof Burchard, Matthias Hovestadt, Odej Kao, Axel Keller, and Barry Linnert. The Virtual Resource Manager: An Architecture for SLA-aware Resource Management.
    4th Intl. IEEE/ACM Intl. Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2004), Chicago, USA, pages 126 -- 133, 2004
Topic revision: r36 - 04 Nov 2024, LinnertUserTopic - This page was cached on 04 Mar 2025 - 19:18.

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