|n this part of the Practical course sequence analysis you will be confronted with the situation of prototyping
NGS analysis programs with an available C++ library of effiecient data types and algorithms, namly SeqAn.
Assignment 5: Adapt your first app, such that it can read fastq files.
Assignment 6: Program a simple quality trimming (easy version: just cut a number of bases at the end)
(optional): Make you functions template functions (such that they can be reused)
(optional): Adapt the trimming function from the trimmer such that all bases from the end are removed which are below a certain threshold.
(optional): optional: Adapt the trimming function from the trimmer such that a window of a specified length is shifted from the begin to the end of the read and the average quality of the window is used to trim the read.
Day 2 (12.06)
Introduction to adapter removal, read mapping
Assignment 1: Program de-multiplexer removal
Write a simple de-multiplexer that retrieves all reads with a certain barcode
The barcode has to be provided by a file
(optional) Use a file with multiple barcodes (only select a read if it is the best match to the specified adaptor)
(optional) Use a file with multiple barcodes and create several output files, one for each adaptor
Assignment 2: Program a adapter removal tool
Sometimes part of the adapter is contaminating a read and therefore has to be removed
Write an app (such as the quality trimmer) that reads a read file, removes adaptors from the reads and writes the result to a file.
The adapter sequence can either be read from file or taken from the command line.