Page ProgressReportHu

The purpose of this page is to make a schedule for my research progress and work plan for the next six months or more.

Research progress and work plan (01.01.11-30.03.11)

1. Read more books and research papers about analysing sequence and networks

2. Learn how to use SeQan and implement Constraints-based Model on GI problem for large graph matching (one-to-one).

3. Write two parts of the paper: “constraints-based model” and “result and conclusion” of the paper.

Research progress and work plan (01.10.10-30.12.10)

1. Take SeqAn Retreat 2010 tutorial

2. Read the book “SeqAn” and learn to use it

3. Read the book “C++ Templates” written by David Vandevoorde and Nicolai M. Josuttis

4. Read the research papers about the database of graphs for isomorphism problem and algorithms comparing

5. Build the vflib2 Library under Linux OS and generate the standard test database

6. Solving a new problem which is difficult to deal with by FCGI—ND regular mesh graphs and Bounded Valence Graphs—a worst case for general graph matching algorithms (i.e. algorithms working on any kind of graphs). (Extension of algorithm) (pause)

7. Design suitable data structure and generate a standard database for evaluating the performance of algorithms on graph grouping without previous experience (unsupervised learning).

8. Implement the algorithm under Linux OS (using SeqAn?)

9. Comparing the algorithms with State-of-the –art-approaches (goals of development)

10. Write a manuscript of graph isomorphism algorithm (if possible)

Research progress and work plan (01.09.10-30.09.10)

1. Getting to know much more about Germany culture and city of Berlin

2. Adapting smoothly to a new lifestyle

3. Taking German Language Course


I will continue my German language course once every week (Occurs every Mittwoch effective 27.10.2010 from 16:00 to 18:00, Garystr. 45, 14195 Berlin) and take an English conversation on Fridays(from 12:00 to 13:30).

This work plan was made roughly and inexperienced, it might be added more details or changed slightly in future. A lot of thanks go to Birte, Knut and all those who have kindly given me help in the first stage of my stay in Berlin.



This topic: ABI > ResearchLogJialuHu > ProgressReportHu
Topic revision: 30 Jan 2013, BodoRiedigerKlaus
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