Termine in den AGs/Dates from the groups
Piotr Oszer (University of Warsaw): Explicit torus-stable families of points on the affine plane
Location: Arnimallee 6, SR 007/008
Ronald A. Zúñiga Rojas (Universidad de Costa Rica): Stratification on the nilpotent cone of the moduli space of Hitchin pairs
Location: Arnimallee 6, SR 007/008
Arpan Saha (Universität Hamburg): Special pseudo-hyperkähler manifolds
Location: SR 115, Arnimallee 3
Guillermo Gallego Sanchez: Analogues and generalizations of the Hitchin moduli space. Multiplicative Higgs bundles.
Location: SR 007/008, Arnimallee 6
Tillmann Kleiner: Fractional Calculus on Distribution Spaces
Location: FU Berlin | Arnimallee 6 | Raum 108/109
Georges-Pierre Bonneau: Computational Design of Bending-Active Structures
Location: FU Berlin | Arnimallee 6 | Raum 108/109
Daniel Seeler: Development of a geometric blood vessel model to quantify morphological changes of endothelial cells in 3D
Location: FU Berlin | Arnimallee 6 | Raum 108/109
Juan Martin Perez Bernal: An overview of the construction of moduli spaces, from coherent sheaves to principal bundles
Location: SR 120, Arnimallee 3
Sigmundur Gudmundsson: Harmonic Morphisms and Minimal Foliations on Low-Dimensional Lie Groups - Computer Algebra in Action
Location: FU Berlin | Arnimallee 6 | Raum 108/109
Workshop at CECAM node Berlin
Location: Freie Universität Berlin
Johannes Rau (Bogotá): Tropical geometry and some applications
In my talk, I would like to introduce the main ideas of tropical geometry (from a geometric point of view) and then focus on some of the main applicactions, in particular, in the context of real algebraic geometry. In this context, tropical geometry can be understodd as a generalization of Viro's patchworking technique to construct real algebraic varieties with specific topological properties. Tropical methods can be used here to extend the technique to singular varieties and higher codimensions.
Disputation Hannah Sjöberg
Thema der Dissertation: On Face Vector Sets and on Alcoved Polytopes Thema der Disputation: Geometry of Support Vector Machines
Location: WebEx Please ask a group member how to join.
Disputation Anna Maria Hartkopf
Thema der Dissertation: Mathematical Science Communication a Study and a Case Study Thema der Disputation: Pentagonal Tilings of the Plane
Location: WebEx Please ask a group member how to join.
Marwan Benyoussef: On the Hitchin morphism in positive characteristic
Location: The talk will be held via WebEx.
Trends in control theory at the interface of Systems & Synthetic Biology
Location: 2020 IFAC World Congress in Berlin, Estrel hotel and congress center
ISMB 2020
Location: Montréal, Canada
Victor Martinez-Luaces: Visualizing roots of complex functions using sibling curves
Location: The talk will be held via WebEx. If you are interested in joining the meeting, please contact: beate.pierchalla@fu-berlin.de
Serkan Emek: Iterated Robin problem for the higher order Poisson equation
Location: Die Veranstaltung wird via WebEx durchgeführt. Die Zugangsdaten werden noch bekannt gegeben.
Habilitation Jean-Philippe Labbé
Location: WebEx Please ask a member of the work group for further information (e.g. Jonathan Kliem).
Angel Luis Munoz Castaneda: Degenerations of semistable principal G-bundles on curves
Location: Arnimallee 3, SR 024, 14195 Berlin
Workshop on Computational Models in Biology and Medicine
Location: Bonn, Germany
Disputation Giulia Codenotti
Thema der Dissertation: Covering properties of lattice polytopes Thema der Disputation: Triangulations of products of simplices and the spread out simplices conjecture
Location: Arnimallee 3, SR 019
Workshop "Mathematics for the Human Past"
Location: Zuse Institute Berlin
Disputation Jorge Olarte
Location: Arnimallee 3, SR 119
Einstein Workshop Polytopes and Algebraic Geometry 2019
This will be a three-day workshop with lectures, presentations and informal discussions on polytopes and their relations to algebraic geometry. It is funded by the Einstein Foundation Berlin , as part of Francisco Santos' Einstein Visiting Fellowship at FU Berlin for 2016-2020. It is one of the activities in the thematic Einstein semester Varieties Polyhedra and computations .
Location: Schankhalle, Berlin, Germany
Colloquium in Honor of Rupert Klein’s 60th Birthday
Location: Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB), Takustraße 7, 14195 Berlin
The harmonic Green and Neumann functions of domains bounded by two intersecting circular arcs
Location: Arnimallee 3, SR 024, 14195 Berlin
ICSB 2019
Location: Okinawa, Japan
GAMM Workshop: "Computational and Mathematical Methods in Data Science"
Location: Freie Universität Berlin
MATH+ Vortragsreihe: Dr. Nora Molkenthin
Dr. Nora Molkenthin, Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik und Selbstorganisation, Göttingen Collective formation processes of dynamic networks Abstract : In systems with many units, the structure of their interaction often has significant impact on the behaviour of the system as a whole. Complex networks provide a unique tool for describing and investigating such systems, especially in the absence of symmetry. However, many of the available methods are more focused on specific static networks, while for many of the most interesting systems the interaction structure itself is subject to dynamical changes. In my work I have found many examples where the study of the dynamics giving rise to the interaction structures gave deep and novel insights into systems. In this talk I will focus on two examples from social networks and on-demand ride-sharing. The wide range of examples where this approach has been successful, leads to the question how these individual examples could be reflected in a wider theory for studying dynamical structure formation.
Location: Institut für Mathematik, Arnimallee 7, Raum E31, 14195 Berlin
MATH+ Vortragsreihe: Dr. Nicolas Behr
Dr. Nicolas Behr, IRIF, Université Paris Diderot, France Rewriting theory for the social and life sciences Abstract : Somewhat surprisingly, despite the widespread use of models based upon transformations of graph-like objects in the applied sciences (chemical reaction systems, network models, random graph ensembles, tissue models, agent-based models, ...), the underlying theory and mathematics of so-called rewriting over adhesive categories appears to be relatively little known. In this talk, I will give a concise introduction to modern rewriting theory, and I will present two novel mathematical extensions of this framework: so-called rule algebras and tracelets for rewriting theories. Rule algebras permit to formulate a universal framework of continuous-time Markov chains arising from random transformation systems of graph-like structures, yielding a new tool-set for analyzing these systems, including in particular so-called combinatorial conversion (which permits to derive ODEs for the evolution of the statistical moments of pattern-counting observables). Tracelets on the other hand provide a mathematical formalism to extract high-level causal information from specifications of rewriting systems in terms of transformation rules and their base rates, sometimes referred to as "synthesis of explanations" (as opposed to the more standard approach of extracting statistical information from simulations). Originally developed as a precise mathematical implementation of the notion of pathways in biochemical reaction systems, this methodology aims to find high-level causal structures in sequences of rule compositions that permit to understand the dynamical behaviors of the typically highly complex random transformation system at hand. I will illustrate these novel concepts with application examples (such as a voter model of opinion formation) and provide some perspectives for high-performance software implementations of both the rule algebra and tracelet methodologies.
Location: Institut für Mathematik, Arnimallee 7, Raum E31, 14195 Berlin
MATH+ Vortragsreihe: Dr. Sarah Wolf
Dr. Sarah Wolf, Global Climate Forum (GCF) Mathematik für Nachhaltigkeit - Entscheidungsunterstützung mit Hilfe agenten-basierter Modellierung Zusammenfassung: In meiner Forschung geht es um die Frage, wie Green Growth und eine nachhaltige Entwicklung erreicht werden können - ein Beispiel ist die derzeit viel diskutierte "Verkehrswende". Ökonomische Modelle, die in der Politikberatung vielfach eingesetzt werden, können oft per Konstruktion keinen Übergang aus einer gegebenen Ausgangslage hin zu einer strukturell veränderten Situation darstellen. Eine Alternative bieten agenten-basierte Modelle (ABM), die ein komplexes sozio-ökologisches Systems auf der Mikro-Ebene darstellen. Das Verhalten des Gesamtsystems betrachtet man dann mit Hilfe von Simulationen. Empirisch fundierte, hochaufgelöste ABM, die sich dazu eignen, mögliche Wege zu einer Verkehrswende (o.ä.) mit Stakeholdern zu diskutieren, bringen mehrere Herausforderungen mit sich: Die effiziente Parallelisierung solcher Simulationen ist weitgehend unerforscht, da die Interaktionsstrukturen der Agenten soziale Netzwerke mit geographischen Bedingungen mischen und daher von den (z.B. regelmäßigen Gitter-)Strukturen vieler HPC-Anwendungen abweichen. Die Analyse der Dynamik dieser Systeme wird dadurch erschwert, dass die Freiheit in der Wahl der Annahmen bei Definition und Implementierung eines Modells sehr groß ist. Mich interessieren grundlegende Modellstrukturen und Konzepte, mit denen man diese Herausforderungen angehen kann. Solche Modelle auf Basis von mathematischen Grundstrukturen sowohl einfacher implementieren als auch besser und schneller analysieren zu können, wäre nämlich hilfreich für eine wissenschaftliche Unterstützung von EntscheidungsträgerInnen. Diese können in "Decision Theatre"-Diskussionen mit dem Modell experimentieren und Folgen von verschiedenen Entscheidungen sofort eruieren. Umgekehrt können sie die weitere Modellentwicklung durch ihre Expertise aus der Praxis unterstützen.
Location: Institut für Mathematik, Arnimallee 6, Raum 031, 14195 Berlin
MATH+ Vortragsreihe: Dr. Nataša Conrad
Dr. Nataša Conrad, Zuse Institute Berlin Dynamische Systeme und Datenwissenschaften in den Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften Abstract: In this talk, I will present my main research results on the topic of modeling, simulation and analysis of complex social systems. In particular, I will focus on the study of processes of change on/of these systems and approaches I have developed for their studying. I will demonstrate the applicability of these methods on real-world examples from humanities and social sciences.
Location: Institut für Mathematik, Arnimallee 6, Raum 031, 14195 Berlin
Workshop: Theory and applications of Boolean interaction networks
Location: Institute of Mathematics, Freie Universität Berlin, Arnimallee 6, SR 032, 14195 Berlin
First Berlin - Leipzig Workshop on Fluctuating Hydrodynamics
Link to the workshop website
Location: Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences and Institute of Mathematics, Freie Universität Berlin
BMS Summer School 2019 on "Mathematics of Deep Learning"
Location: Zuse Institute Berlin
SciCADE 2019
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Location: Basel, Switzerland
IBSB 2019
Location: Kyoto, Japan
CECAM-Workshop: "Molecular and Chemical Kinetics - Sampling, Design and Machine Learning"
Location: Freie Universität Berlin
Long Night of Science 2019
Location: Freie Universität Berlin
Noether Konferenz 2019
Location: Arnimallee 3-5, Hörsaal 001, 14195 Berlin
Location: Washington, D.C., USA
Honorary Colloquium on the occasion of Peter Deuflhard's 75 Birthday
Location: Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB), Takustraße 7, 14195 Berlin
HSB 2019
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
"International Workshop on Recent Trends in Modelling, Simulation, Optimization and Data Analysis for Complex Systems", Champéry, Portes du Soleil, Switzerland
Location: Champéry, Portes du Soleil, Switzerland
Tao Chen: Construction of Converging Goldberg-Coxeter Subdivisions of Discrete Surfaces
Location: FU Berlin | Arnimallee 6 | Raum 108/109
Oliver Labs: Cubic Surface Models and their Historical and Mathematical Background
In the 19 th century, cubic surfaces - defined by an implicit equation of degree three in three variables - were among the first interesting examples in the development of modern algebraic geometry. A well-known result by Arthur Cayley and George Salmon is that any smooth cubic contains exactly 27 straight lines. Other prominent facts are the classification of all cubic surfaces w.r.t. their singularities by Ludwig Schläfli, and Alfred Clebsch's birational map between the plane and such surfaces where six points play an essential role. The talk will present both the historical and the mathematical background of classical hand-crafted and also recent 3d-printed cubic surface models. Some of their fascinating features such as the movement of the straight lines as the surfaces vary may very well be visualized using interactive software. In 2011 and 2014, the speaker created two versions of a complete series of more than 45 types of 3d-printed cubic surface models. Copies of these are now part of several university collections such as those at Lisbon, Strasbourg, Dresden, and Mainz, as well as at the IHP at Paris. He will bring some examples of these sculptures with him in order to illustrate facts which may better be appreciated when seeing and touching a real object.
Location: HS 001/Arnimallee 3 (Tea/coffee will be served from 16:45 in room 006/A3.)
Surface, Bulk, and Geometric Partial Differential Equations: Interfacial, stochastic, non-local and discrete structures
Location: Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Oberwolfach
Prof. Phan Thanh An - The Law of Cosines for Computing Geometric Shortest Paths on a Convex Polytope in 3D
Location: FU Berlin | Arnimallee 6 | Raum 108/109
Guest Seminar WS1819
Location: A6/SR 007/008
Guest Seminar WS1819
Location: A6/SR 007/008
Einstein Workshop Geometric and Topological Combinatorics
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Königin Luise Straße 24/26, 14195 Berlin
ICSB 2018
Location: Lyon, France
CSB Seminar Series
Location: Charité, Invalidenstraße 42, room 312a, 10115 Berlin
Summer school "Modelling of Mass and Energy Transport"
Location: Institut für Mathematik, Arnimallee 6, Room 017, 14195 Berlin
Dr. Kerem Halicioglu - The Earth’s gravity field through star images: Digital Zenith Camera Systems
Location: FU Berlin | Arnimallee 6 | Raum 108/109
Shira Faigenbaum - Repairing and Denoising Scattered Data for the Reconstruction of Manifolds Embedded in High Dimensions
Location: FU Berlin | Arnimallee 6 | Raum 108/109
ECCB 2018
Location: Athens, Greece
IFIP TC 7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization
Location: Essen, Germany
Location: St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
Frank Neumann: Hochschild cohomology of dg-categories and spectral sequences
Location: SR 007/008, Arnimallee 6 (Tee/coffee will be served from 15:45 in room 006/A3)
Vincent Trageser: On actions of non-reductive groups with a graded unipotent radical on affine varieties
Location: SR 140, A3 (Hinterhaus)
ISMB 2018
Location: Chacago, United States
SBMC 2018
Location: Bremen, Germany
Yorck Sommerhäuser: Hopf Algebras - A short introduction
Location: HS 001/A3 (Tee/coffee will be served from 15:45 in room 006/A3).
Bernd Kreussler: Means, Braids and Triangle Equations
Location: HS 001, A3 (Tea & coffee will be served from 4:45 pm in room 006, A3)
Alejandra Rincón Hidalgo: Bridgeland stability conditions on the n-Kronecker quiver
Location: SR 140, A3 (HH)
Encuentro Colombiano de Combinatoria ECCO 2018
Günter M. Ziegler (FU Berlin): „Polytopes — Extremal Examples and Combinatorial Parameters“
Location: Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia
Hanxing Lin: Introduction to Cauchy-Pompeiu type formulas on Riemann surfaces
Location: SR 140, A3 (HH)
Heinrich Begehr: A hierarchy of complex partial differential operators II
Location: SR 140, A3 (HH)
Heinrich Begehr: A hierarchy of complex partial differential operators
Location: SR 140, A3 (HH)
IRI-Schering Colloquium "Organoids - Life in 3D"
Location: IRI Life Sciences, Philippstr. 13, Michaelis Building (No 18), Maud Menten Hall (3rd Floor), 10115 Berlin
Prof. Ligang Liu: Progressive Parameterizations
Location: FU Berlin | Arnimallee 6 | Raum 108/109
Modelling Complex Biological Systems in the Context of Genomics Thematic Research School
Location: Évry, France
Einstein Workshop Discrete Geometry and Topology
This will be a four day workshop with lectures, presentations and informal discussions on discrete geometry and topology, and related topics (combinatorial topology, computational geometry, polytope theory). It is primarily funded by the Einstein Foundation Berlin , as part of Francisco Santos' Einstein Visiting Fellowship at FU Berlin for 2016-2019. Additional funding is provided by the project Discretization in Geometry and Dynamics (SFB Transregio 109) and the Berlin Mathematical School . Read more.
Location: Freie Universität Berlin