Guest Lecture: »Storytelling and Text Visualization« by Jan-Erik Stange (Jan 24, 2023)
Jan-Erik Stange
Image Credit: Stephanie Neumann
Talk by Jan-Erik Stange
Image Credit: Stephanie Neumann
News from Dec 16, 2022
On 24 January 2023, 2:15 pm, Jan-Erik Stange will give a guest lecture as part of the »Data Visualization« Course.
When: January 24, 2023 - 2.15 pm Where: Takustraße 9, Raum 051In his talk, Jan-Erik Stange will explore the topic of storytelling from two perspectives. In the first part, he will present principles and strategies for data-driven storytelling using data visualizations. In this context, he will examine interaction patterns in more detail. In the second part, he will demonstrate approaches to transform raw text data into computationally detectable data structures. This opens up possibilities of indexing narrative texts through data visualizations beyond purely textual reception. Both perspectives are illustrated with examples.
Jan-Erik Stange is a research associate with a focus on data visualization and interface design in the »Information Engineering« department at Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Münster. He looks back on many years of research in the fields of data visualization and user experience design. His research interests include storytelling, text visualization, network visualization, and the creative potential of reflexive design practice for the design of data modeling interfaces in the digital humanities. He has also worked as a designer for agencies in Germany and the US. From 2020 to 2022, he worked as a research associate with his own research project at the Cluster of Excellence »Temporal Communities: Doing Literature in a Global Perspective« at Freie Universität, and previously at the University of Hamburg and University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, among others. Jan-Erik holds a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Design (Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts Kiel) and a Master's degree in Interface Design (University of Applied Sciences Potsdam). You can find more information on his personal website here.
If you wish to attend this lecture, please register by 17 January via mail