Invitation to Master Thesis Defence
News from Jul 12, 2017
Velten Heyn invites to his master thesis defence. The title is:
„A knowledge base tailored for politicians and citizens using an online question and answer (Q&A) platform".
The presentation will be held on Thursday, 13th July 2017, 16:15 in room SR 055, Takustr. 9.
The thesis was supervised by Prof. Dr. Claudia Müller-Birn.
The goal of the explicated thesis was to develop an approach to increase the trust into political parties by improving the direct communication between citizens and authorities through a platform for open open knowledge transfer. The approach pursued was to develop a tool which is able to answer questions a citizen might have, in a user friendly way, with short click paths. At first it was researched which online platforms in this topic field already exist. The analysis of these platforms revealed that the platforms do not match the raised requirements. Therefore the book "Building Successful Online Communities: Evidence-Based Social Design" of Prof. Dr. Robert Krauts (et al.) was examined and the design claims of the book are transformed into design choices for an exemplary platform. Finally the overall concept is compared with the existing platforms. The result of the evaluation reveals that the emerged platform is able to show the cognitive decision paths taken by politicians, which make work results more predictable.