Dozenten: |
Lutz Prechelt Karl Beecher |
Sprache: | Englisch/Deutsch |
Zeitraum: | 15.08.2011 bis 23.09.2011 |
Inhalt: | Im Softwareprojekt wird von den Studierenden im Team unter Anleitung des Dozenten ein größeres Softwaresystem arbeitsteilig entwickelt. Dabei sollen alle Phasen eines Softwareprojekts durchlaufen sowie typische Methoden und Hilfsmittel, wie sie im Modul Softwaretechnik kennengelernt wurden, eingeübt werden. Dabei geht es u.a. um
- Definieren, Abstimmen und Dokumentieren von Schnittstellen - Arbeitsteilige Erstellung von Softwarekomponeneten im Team unter Anleitung eines studentischen Tutors, dabei Verwenden noch nicht implementierter Schnittstellen - Eine noch fremde Technologie oder größere Softwarekomponente selbständig beurteilen und erlernen (Wiederverwendung) - Durchsichten von Anforderungen, Schnittstellen, Implementierungen, Testfällen - Modultest, Integrationstest, Systemtest; einschließlich Automatisierung und Rückfalltesten - Versions- und Konfigurationsverwaltung, Build-Prozesse und Werkzeuge |
Zielgruppe: | Studierende im Bachelor- und Masterstudiengang Informatik |
Voraussetzungen: | Softwaretechnik |
The following places have been reserved for your use at the given times and dates:
Every day until 23. Sep:Team 1 | Team 2 | Team 3 |
Michael Prüm | Christian Kühl | Maria Formisano |
Thea Schröter | Markus Bischoff | Tu Tran |
Simon Tippenhauer | Antonia Kresse | Hernandos Saenz Sanchez |
Max Losch | Benjamin Eckstein | Hartono Sugih |
Roman Stolzenburg |
Tracker number | Description | Fixed by team![]() |
3389022 | When receiving an invitation there is no explanation what "Disable version control support" means. I suggest some kind of collapsable textbox which contains the tooltip information. | |
3182137 | Read-only participants can edit using drag and drop | |
3182141 | Read-only participants can edit using find/replace | |
3182140 | Read-only participants can edit using keyboard shortcuts | |
3211124 | Chat window should remain visible after session ends. | |
3192392 | Follow-mode ends if the followed user deletes the current file. | |
3192368 | Follow-mode should remain active, even if the follwoed user closes all files. | |
3392036 | When there are no projects in the Workspace in the "Work together on" context menu in the Roster says "No projects in workspace" but offers the Option "Multiple Projects". | |
2808977 | After a consistency recovery, the whole file is annotated. | |
3133676 | Saros should allow user to configure server and username domain separately. However, one user who uses this complains their JID is malformed. | |
3258875 | |
1 |
3390616 | |
1 |
3396880 | |
1 |
3390589 | |
2 |
3392263 | |
2 |
3103549 | |
2 |
- | |
2 |
- | |
2 |
3392279 | |
3 |
Always remember that you will present your work so far on Thursdays. The 15-20 minute presentation needs to inform the rest of the group of the following:
During weeks 35 and 36 you will take on a maintenance task in Saros. There are three examples below which you can choose from, although you can propose your own if you wish (ask me). The aim of the task is not only for you to improve Saros, but also to learn a few concepts and techniques of software engineering and put them into practice. Each task will therefore require a little background research and planning.
Each document below contains not only the task specification, but other things you need to think about when you present your work to the rest of the group.
It's a good idea to focus on one task per team. However, I am willing to allow a team to work on two tasks if they wish. (This is useful if, for example, members of a team are interested in different tasks.)
During weeks 37 and 38 you will introduce a new feature (or features) to Saros. There are four examples below which you can choose from, but (as always) you can propose your own to me. For these final two weeks you will learn how to work together in a team to add new functionality to a software product, taking advantage of the experience you have gathered in the past month and making sure that your contribution is of sufficient quality to be accepted into the project.
As you attempt to design the feature, I will act as the "customer". In other words, if there is something unknown, ambiguous or maybe even wrong in the specification of the feature, you can ask me questions to help resolve them.