Seminar: Load Modeling of parallel and multithreaded Applications


Current computer architectures from multicore CPUs to supercomputers support parallel and multithreaded programs to provide application performance. These parallel programs imply new challenges for resource management as these programs rely on communication as well as on computation. The seminar deals with ongoing research in the field of modelling computational and communication-based load produced by parallel programs.

Organizational Matters



Students give a talk and write a short paper about a specific topic from the field. The talk will be included in a scientific conference-like environment at the end or shortly after the lecture session. There will be two prep meetings to specify the topic to be presented.

Requirements & Target Group, Classification, Credits, etc.

See entry in the course catalog.

Target group

Bachelor and Master of Computer Science


The course language is German, but may also be English if desired. Students may chose the language for their presentation and paper.

  • Prep meetings:
    • Tuesday, 26.04.2016 12-14 pm, Takustraße 9, SR 046
    • Tuesday, 24.05.2016 12-14 pm, Takustraße 9, SR 046
  • Presentations:
    • Monday, 26.09.2016 10-16 pm, Takustraße 9, SR 053
    • Tuesday, 27.09.2016 10-16 pm, Takustraße 9, SR 053

Credits & Exams

The criteria for gaining credits are
  • regular and active participation in the presentation session (conference)
  • quality of talk and final report (7-8 pages) Templates for final report



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Topic revision: 27 Jul 2016, LinnertUserTopic
Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Informatik