Welcome to Scientific Computing with Python, summer term 2018
The compact course is
cancelled due to organisational reasons.
Lecturer: Christoph Wehmeyer, Frank Noé
Language: English
SWS: 2, LP/ECTS: 5, graded or ungraded depending on module
This course is suitable for students of Mathematics, Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Physics
To receive credits for this course, students need to register in Campus Management.
If you cannot select this course in Campus Management or missed the deadline, you can register manually by using
the form "Modulnachmeldung" from the
Registrar's office form website. The form has to be submitted to the Registrar's office in Arnimallee 14, 1st floor, r. 1.1.14b (mailbox outside office).
Blockkurs/Compact Course |
23 to 27 July |
9-15 h |
Arnimallee 6 |
r. 030 (ground floor) |
Since the lab has a limited number of workstations, students will either have to share or bring their own notebooks.
Python hat sich in den letzten Jahren zu einer der gängigen Programmiersprachen für Wissenschaftler entwickelt. Dieser Kurs gibt eine breite und praxis-basierte Einführung in Möglichkeiten, gängige Probleme im wissenschaftlichen Alltag mit Python zu lösen. Der Kurs beinhaltet Themen wie Tools für die Entwicklung mit Python, IPython Notebooks, Visualisierung, moderne Programmierkonzepte, Lösen mathematischer Probleme (Lin. Algebra, Optimierung, Modellierung, Statistik) und einen Ausblick auf weiterführende Themen (Integration mit anderen Programmiersprachen, Parallelisierung, etc.)
In recent years Python has become one of the most widely used programming languages in the scientific community. This course aims to be a broad-scoped and "hands-on" introduction to solving common problems using Python. Topics included are IDEs for Python, IPython notebooks, visualization, modern programming style, solving mathematical problems (linear algebra, optimization, modeling, statistics) as well as an outlook into advanced topics (inclusion of other programming languages, parallelization, etc.)
Name |
Mail |
Chris Wehmeyer |
registration & inquiries |
christoph.wehmeyer[at]fu-berlin.de |