You are here: Cluster » ForTheImpatientTorque

For the impatient

  1. login to adagio or allegro
  2. copy your data, if necessary (allegro home)
  3. submit job
  4. check job

$ ssh allegro  # or ssh adagio

$ MYSELF=$(whoami)
$ mkdir -p ~/myJob/bin 
# - - - on allegro copy data:
$ cp /nfs/home/mi/$MYSELF/mydata/bin/a.out ~/myJob/bin

$ cat >myJob/bin/ <<END
#PBS -N myJob
#PBS -d /home/$MYSELF/myJob
#PBS -o myJob.out
#PBS -e myJob.err
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
#PBS -l pmem=7mb
#PBS -M $

$ qsub ~/myJob/bin/

$ qstat


-- salzmann - 02 Mar 2012 / Stucki 2012-10-23
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