allegro Migration
In may 2015, the upgraded allegro cluster is set online. The list of new features includes
- OS Upgrade → Debian Jessie
- new scheduler ( slurm).
- new storage technology for scratch space ( ceph).
- 3x scratch space (20T → 60T)
- more nodes
- new CPU models
- up to 512G RAM per node
The migration has happened in three phases: adoption, migration and shut down
Moving from TORQUE to slurm
You will find an overview of common commands
There are also compatibility scripts installed so you can run your Torque-jobs directly with the new Slurm-Scheduler.
Phase I: adoption
started: 2015-04-29
closed: 2015-05-06
- torque: The old allegro cluster remains unchanged. Jobs are scheduled and processed.
- login: The new allegro login node ist opened for login.
- slurm: Users assure job requisites and start jobs on the new cluster.
- data: The file content in
and /data/scratch
is transferred to the new scratch file system allegrotmp:/data/scratch/OLD
Please note: The synchronization is repeated on a daily basis. Changes in
might get overwritten by subsequent syncs.
Phase II: migration
started: 2015-05-06
closed: 2015-06-03
- login: The new allegro login node ist set default (i.e. allegro → allegroold, allegrotmp → allegro).
- torque: Scheduling jobs on the old allegro cluster is disabled. Scheduled jobs continue to be processed. Login remains possible via
- nodes: Idle nodes will be moved to the new cluster
- data: The file content in
and allegroold:/data/scratch
continues to be transferred to the new scratch file system /data/scratch/OLD
Please note: The synchronization is repeated on a daily basis. Changes in
might get overwritten by subsequent syncs.
Phase III: shut down
starts: 2015-06-03
closed: 2015-09-03
- login old: The old allegro login node is shut down
- data: The file content in
and allegroold:/data/scratch
is transferred one last time to the new scratch file system /data/scratch/OLD
- old data: The file content in
and allegroold:/data/scratch
is deleted.
-- Cluster.salzmann - 29 Apr 2015