General information for programming exercises

  • Please, fill in the names of your group members here, before the programming exercises start.
  • Each group gets access to a svn directory at
  • The solution to each exercise has to be checked in a subdirectory exerciseY/ case sensitive) before the respective deadline.
  • The program must compile on a Linux Pool machine ( with make exerciseY (sample makefile will be given, compiler flags -pedantic -Wall -ansi -O3 have to be set)
  • The final version of your application note also have to be checked in to the subdirectory as PDF file exerciseY_Note.pdf
  • Do NOT check in test data again in your group directory!
  • Test data will be provided soon.


For each exercise you can score 4 Points, 3 for the program and 1 for the application note. For the program:
3 Pts = program runs without errors
2 Pts = program contains small errors
1 Pts = program contains critical errors
0 Pts = no program submitted

Marks can be found in AdditionMaterial

Requirements: You have to reach at least 75% of the points summed for all programming exercise and pass the code review.



Date Description Misc
18.10. Release of exercise 1  
29.10. Release of exercise 2 submission postponed until 15th Nov
12.11. Release of exercise 3  

Code Review Time Slots

The code review takes place on the 22nd of February in room 010 in the Takustraße 9. Please fill in your group here: AlgorithmsProgrammingCodeReview.
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