SWS: 2+1, ECTS: 5
Lecturer: Alexander Bockmayr
Tutor: Annika Röhl
Language: English / German
Lecture: |
Thursday 14-16h |
Arnimallee 6 SR 025/026 |
Exercise (every two weeks): |
Thursday 16-18h |
Arnimallee 6 SR 025/026 |
The goal of this course is to give an introduction to the most important mathematical and algorithmic ideas underlying the constraint-based analysis of genome-scale metabolic networks, with applications to systems biology and biotechnology.
We will discuss the steady-state flux cone, flux balance analysis (FBA), flux variability analysis (FVA), flux coupling analysis (FCA), elementary flux modes (EFMs), thermodynamic constraints, and metabolic regulation. On the algorithmic side, the focus will be on linear and mixed-integer optimisation methods.
Schedule (subject to change)
Lewis NE, Nagarajan H, Palsson BO.
Constraining the metabolic genotype-phenotype relationship using a phylogeny of in silico methods.
Nat Rev Microbiol., 10(4):291-305, 2012.
Orth JD, Thiele I, Palsson BØ.
What is flux balance analysis? Nat Biotechnol., 28(3):245-8, 2010.
Larhlimi A, David L, Selbig J, Bockmayr A.
F2C2: a fast tool for the computation of flux coupling in genome-scale metabolic networks. BMC Bioinformatics 13:57, 2012
de Figueiredo LF, Podhorski A, Rubio A, Kaleta C, Beasley JE, Schuster S, Planes FJ.
Computing the shortest elementary flux modes in genome-scale metabolic networks. Bioinformatics. 2009 Dec 1;25(23):3158-65
Rezola A, de Figueiredo LF, Brock M, Pey J, Podhorski A, Wittmann C, Schuster S, Bockmayr A, Planes FJ
Exploring metabolic pathways in genome-scale networks via generating flux modes. Bioinformatics, 27/4, 534-540, 2011
David L, Bockmayr A.
Computing elementary flux modes involving a set of target reactions. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 11/6, 1099-1107, Nov/Dec 2014
Larhlimi A, Bockmayr A.
A new constraint-based description of the steady-state flux cone of metabolic networks. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 157, 2257-2266, 2009
Covert MW, Schilling CH, Palsson B.
Regulation of gene expression in flux balance models of metabolism. J Theor Biol. 2001 Nov 7;213(1):73-88
Covert MW, Xiao N, Chen TJ, Karr JR.
Integrating metabolic, transcriptional regulatory and signal transduction models in Escherichia coli. Bioinformatics. 2008 Sep 15;24(18):2044-50
Palinkas A, Bulik S, Bockmayr A, Holzhütter HG.
Sequential Metabolic Phases as a Means to Optimize Cellular Output in a Constant Environment. PLoS ONE, 10(3): e0118347, Mar 2015
Klipp E, Heinrich R, Holzhütter HG.
Prediction of temporal gene expression. Metabolic opimization by re-distribution of enzyme activities.
Eur J Biochem. 2002 Nov;269(22):5406-13
Waldherr S, Oyarzún DA, Bockmayr A.
Dynamic optimization of metabolic networks coupled with gene expression. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 365, 469-485, Jan 2015
Minimum requirements
Active and regular participation at the exercises
Please sign in for the mailing list to get short term informations about the tutorials :
Find the
first programming exercise
here. Deadline:
Tuesday, 17.05.2016, 08:00 a.m.
Find the
second programming exercise
here. Deadline:
Tuesday, 31.05.2016, 08:00 a.m.
Find the
third programming exercise
here. Deadline:
Tuesday, 14.06.2016, 08:00 a.m.
Find the
fourth programming exercise
here. Deadline:
Tuesday, 28.06.2016, 08:00 a.m.
Find the
fifth programming exercise
here. Deadline:
Tuesday, 12.07.2016, 08:00 a.m.
Sixth exercise: read the
article and focus on one example. Explain this example in the tutorial (Thursday 14.07.2016).
Example 2: Stefan, Sara, Svenja
Example 3: Hamid, Mathis, Arsene
Example 4: Parnika, Javier, Dennis
1 point: program contains critical errors
2 points: program contains small errors
3 points: program runs without errors
4 points: program runs without errors and you send me some extra explanation (what is the program good for). Not for every program.
For Aktive Teilnahme it is necessary to attend the tutorial and to do the homework (50% of the points in the end)
To get access to the additional material (including slides), please send an e-mail including your zedat-accountname to Annika Röhl: