Algorithms (WiSe 2016)

Welcome to the Wiki of the MSc lectures Algorithms (VL: 19400501, UE: 19400502)

General Information

SWS: 2+2 ECTS: 6
Lecturers: Alexander Bockmayr, Oliver Serang
Exercises: Hannes Hauswedell
Language: English


Results of the second exam ("Nachklausur") are online.
The second exam (Nachklausur) is scheduled for Thursday, 20 April, 16:15 - 17:45, SR 025/026/A6

Requirements for Aktive Teilnahme

  • successfully present a task from the theoretical sheets when asked to do so
  • successfully explain your code and present your correctly functioning programming solution when asked to do so (with your group)
  • reach a minimum of 50% of all points in both reviews.

For more information, see the KVV.

Times and Places

  • The lecture will start October 18th and end on December 9th, 2016.
  • The exercises will start October 21th (Please note that the exercise is four hours)

Event Day Time Address Room
Lecture Tue 10-12 Takustr. 9 SR 006
Lecture Thu 10-12 Takustr. 9 SR 006
Exercise Fri 12-16 Arnimallee 6 SR 032


Date Lecture Lecturer
18.10.-20.10. Analysis Methods and algorithm design
18.10.2016 Lecture 1: Types of algorithms Serang
20.10.2016 Lecture 2: Different types of analysis Serang
21.10.2016 Exercise (nothing due) Hauswedell
25.10.-01.11. Graph algorithms
25.10.2016 Lecture 3: Shortest paths Bockmayr
27.10.2016 Lecture 4: Maximum flow Bockmayr
28.10.2016, 12-14 Lecture 5: Matching Bockmayr
01.11.2016, 10-12 Exercise (theoretical sheet 1 due) Hauswedell
03.11.-22.11. Hashing, Skiplists and tree decomposition
03.11.2016 Lecture 6: Hashing I Serang
04.11.2016 Exercise (theoretical sheet 2 + programming sheet 1 due) Hauswedell
08.11.2016 Lecture 7: Hashing II Serang
10.11.2016 Lecture 8: Skiplists I Serang
11.11.2016 Exercise (Review 1, theoretical sheet 3 due) Hauswedell
15.11.2016 Lecture 9: Skiplists II Serang
17.11.2016 Lecture 10: Tree decomposition I Serang
18.11.2016 Exercise (theoretical sheet 4 + programming sheet 2 due) Hauswedell
22.11.2016 Lecture 11: Tree decomposition II Serang
24.11.-06.12. Computability and Complexity
24.11.2016 Lecture 12: Computability I Bockmayr
25.11.2016 Exercise (theoretical sheet 5 due) Hauswedell
29.11.2016 Lecture 13: Computability II Bockmayr
01.12.2016 Lecture 14: Complexity I Bockmayr
02.12.2016 Exercise (Review 2, theoretical sheet 6 + programming sheet 3 due) Hauswedell
06.12.2016 Lecture 15: Complexity II Bockmayr
08.12.2016 Rehearsal Bockmayr / Serang
09.12.2016 Exam (during exercises)


See the KVV for up to date information.

All material will be uploaded to the KVV. Programming language for the programming exercises is C++ and it must compile on one of the Linux machines at the institute. More details at the first session. If you are not familiar with Linux and/or C++, look into it ASAP!

Exams and Reviews

Results Exam 2

Matrikelnummer points mark
xxx1043 40,00 5,0
xxx7341 46,00 4,0
xxx8813 55,00 3,3

Results Exam 1

Matrikelnummer points mark
xxx0560 55,50 3,3
xxx0827 64,75 2,7
xxx0974 66,25 2,3
xxx1030 75,25 1,7
xxx1043 40,75 5,0
xxx1220 56,00 3,3
xxx1484 63,25 2,7
xxx2099 77,00 1,7
xxx2427 28,00 5,0
xxx2684 55,50 3,3
xxx3686 63,50 2,7
xxx4021 70,50 2,0
xxx4200 77,00 1,7
xxx4220 65,00 2,7
xxx4414 53,50 3,3
xxx4579 71,00 2,0
xxx5403 67,00 2,3
xxx5466 71,50 2,0
xxx5950 35,25 5,0
xxx6378 54,00 3,3
xxx6770 80,50 1,3
xxx6812 57,25 3,0
xxx8424 70,25 2,3
xxx8813 37,00 5,0
xxx9789 11,50 5,0
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