- Pa[Project name] : It contains main, and start the whole thing using the two other core classes.
- Pj[Project name] : This class contains the main fields : geometry and settings. It also contains the main methods, which define what the project does, and also the methods called when the user changes something (by the IP class).
- Pj[Project name]_IP : This class contains all the panel things (buttons, checkboxes, …) except the sliders (for the sliders see the corresponding page on the Wiki). This class should also explain deeply what does your project do and how to use the control panel. This class should contain the Action Handler, which calls public method from Pj[Project name]. IP means Info Panel.You will find in the attachment a template you can use to start easily a new project. Once you have downloaded it, put the three files in a new Package. Before to personalize it, you can just run it to check if it works. In Eclipse, go in Run Configurations and add a new launch configuration. There you will find several tabs.
- Main : in "Project", select the folder "DevelopContrib". In Main class, select the main class from PaTemplateProject.
- Arguments : In working directory, select the Workspace : "srcBase".
- Classpath : Make sure you have these projects in "Use Entries" : "srcBase (default classpath)", "Develop", "DevelopContrib", "ThirdsLibs", "OpenGL_JOGL2". If you don´t, add them by clicking on "add projects".
- This other tabs don´t need other things.