
This section describes JavaView functionality that is available inside the JavaView application.

Menu Entries


Method > Modelling

Close Holes

Closes holes of a surface geometry. Holes need to be bounded by boundary polygons, so if no boundary polygons exist they need to be created first via Method > Boundary > Make Boundary Polygons.... Adjust the angle such that no corners are detected on the boundary curves and hit OK. Afterwards you can click close holes. This should fill the holes bounded by the boundary polygons with a triangulation. "close holes" fills all closed boundary polygons, so if there is a boundary component which shall not be closed, it has to have more than one boundary polygon.


Method > Effect


This workshop allows to minimize some energies (e.g. the surface area) by gradient descent. The behaviour of the minimization at the boundary depends on the existence of boundary polygons, which can be created by the workshop Method > Boundary > Make Boundary Polygons.... If Boundaray polygons exist, the inner vertices of boundary polygons can move according to Boundary constraints - Selected Vertices are always held fix.

Method > Boundary

Make Boundary Polygons...

Extracts the boundary of a surface geometry as polygonal curves. Boundary Polygons are split at selected vertices, which are by default computed from the angle - selections can be changed by the angle slider or by any other way of selecting / unselecting (also by using the "m" and "u" key and klicking the vertices). If the "Make Boundray Constraints" Checkbox is checked, the workshop will test each boundary segment for straightness and planarity and set Boundary Constraints accordingly. Boundary polygons are not visible (if in the Material Panel "Boundary" is checked, this chows not the Boundary Polygon information, but all edges where there is no neighbourhood information), the only way to inspect the Boundary Polygon information is by Method→Info→Print Boundaries - here the number of boundary polygons and their indices and constraints are printed to the JavaView console.



Topic revision: r3 - 22 Oct 2015, ReitebucUserTopic - This page was cached on 13 Mar 2025 - 08:40.

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