You are here: Foswiki>AGGeom Web>JavaView>JVGeometryWebPages (22 May 2015, MskrodzkiUserTopic)Edit Attach


  1. Download the JavaView archive from the download page.
  2. Create your own geometry file myGeom.obj similar to sample.obj. E.g. you can save a geometry from within JavaView and use the file. See the supported File Formats.
  3. Create your own HTML file myPage.html similiar to sample.html, and insert the below applet tag somewhere in the body of the file.
  4. Load your web page in a browser.

<applet code=javaview.class archive=jars/javaview.jar width=200 height=200>
   <param name=Model value=sample.obj>
   <param name=Control value=Hide>

where the lines have the following meaning:

name of class file in archive (do not change!)
archive=jars/javaview.jar or archive=jars/javaview.jar,jars/jvx.jar or archive=jars/javaview.jar,jars/jvx.jar,jars/vgpapp.jar
name of archive (do not change!). Use second version to include advanced geometry effects and numerics algorithms. Use third version to include additionally a collection of projects.
horizontal size of applet window in pixels, modify according to your needs
vertical size of applet window in pixels, modify according to your needs
<param name=model value=sample.obj>
name of geometry file to show
<param name=control value=Hide>
if not set or set to Show control panel will be shown

To include other JavaView applets in your web pages, follow the instructions on the download page to download the JavaView archive. Look at the HTML code of one of the applets in the JavaView demo and copy the complete applet tag into your own page.


Topic revision: r1 - 22 May 2015, MskrodzkiUserTopic - This page was cached on 13 Mar 2025 - 08:47.

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