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Here you can find some regulations for exporting JavaView scenes as images. These rules are quite helpful, as it reduces time and effort, because images might get used more often and we use the same standard.

Exporting JV Scenes as Images

Since we use images in reports and publications together, it is advisable to declare some regulations, and as they might get used multiple times, we should use uniform formats.

  1. Choice of motif:
    • The motif should fill 90-95% of the image, so that we do not have much boundary.
    • Try to get something really interesting for the image (or group of images), without standard situations.
    • Save your scene additionally in the formats JVX and JVD in JavaView and save/send it together with your image.
    • Make sure to use a white background instead of a gray one.
  2. Originals: just use either PNG, TIF or EPS.
  3. PNG, TIF for Bitmap:
    • necessary if one of the following effects are turned on: zBuffer, texture, transparency, smooth lightning, smooth coloring
    • use ANTIALIAS for Bitmap images
    • save as PPM in JavaView and convert to TIF with PaintShopPro
    • save in Photoshop with the following options:
      • LZW compressed
      • IBM binary encoding (not Mac)
      • do not use layers; save originals with layers in the Photoshop format PDS
      • RGB mode (not indexed or restricted elsewhere)
  4. EPS for vectorgraphic:
    • use this, if there is no Bitmap
    • do not use ANTIALIAS (ANTIALIAS==OFF), otherwise the image gets embedded as Bitmap in EPS
  5. Uniform image sizes:
    • standard value for (original) horizontal images is 1280x1024 (exceptions in 640x512)
    • The standard sizes are implemented in the JavaView export.
      • Master: name_scrn.tif
      • non-standard Master: name_orig.tif (please use the extension _orig almost never)
      • let produce smaller image sizes (_med, _book, _sgl, _sml, _tiny) in Photoshop automatically (there is a Photoshop script)

Some image sizes:
[SCRN, horizontal]
   default:          1280*1024 (= Fullscreen, 5:4)
   from Video:        1278*852  (= Dia Bild, 3:2)
   from SonyCamera:   1280*960  (= Sony Bild, 4:3)
[SCRN, vertical]
   A4-default:       1024*1280 (= Full-Screen, 4:5)
   A4-screen:        852*1278 (= Full-VGA, 2:3)
   A4 Portrait:      960*1280 (= Din A4, 3:4)
[SCRN, quadratic]
   square:           1024*1024

Some further possibilities:
  • smooth edges according to parameter lines (method / effect / parameter lines / refine (+ opt. get lines, returns parameter lines as polygon set))
  • generate tubes around edges on polygon set (method / effect / make tube); adjustable via inspector / geometry / configure
  • generate tubes around edges applied on element set (method / effect / generate thick edges); adjustable via inspector / geometry / configure
  • change edge size (inspector / geometry / material); appears as integer pixel value - intermediate steps possible if antialias == ON; do not use it for poster / 4k image generation
  • apply 3d-look to edges (inspector / display / enable 3d-look); if it is turned off, smooth lighting will affect edges
  • continuous lighting over elements (method / color / show smooth lighting)
  • use the author form (file / save dialog / author)


Topic revision: r5 - 11 Jul 2017, EzimmermannUserTopic - This page was cached on 01 Feb 2025 - 02:38.

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