14:00 - 16:00 Arnimallee 6 SR 031
16:00 - 18:00 Takustr. 9 R 006
Questions and topics
Please put your questions or things you want to discuss here. The plan is not to have a pure lecture but rather an interactive discussion where you help to explain stuff to others and vice versa.
- practice modeling problems as CSP, SAT or ILP (similar to the bin packing exercise)
- when is an inequality facet defining (in general and in particular for the MWT problem)
- how to find facet defining inequalities / cutting planes
- difference mixed cycle / critical mixed cycle
- how to find clique inequalities from the Pair graph
Tree Decomposition
- how to give a bound on the treewidth of a graph
- how to find the treewidth of a graph
Maximum Flow
An example with
GreedTreeCore Algorithm.
-- Main.sulav - 09 Feb 2012
- How to generate a Pairgraph
- Duality: What if a primal problem is min?
-- Main.fkreuchw - 09 Feb 2012