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Page CompMethodsWS11

In this seminar, we will focus on two different kinds of high-throughput technologies:
  • second-generation DNA sequencing
  • liquid chromatography / mass spectrometry.

Written Summary

  • Prepare a 2-3 page summary of your article and send it to us as pdf.
  • Make sure you send it before Feb 29, 23:59 CET. We will not accept any summaries after Feb 29.
  • The written summary will account for 30% of the entire grade.

Alternative Projects

Those of you who have received alternative projects to compensate for attendance issues, are asked to send their reports before Feb 29, 23:59 CET. We will not accept any reports after Feb 29.

Talk Preparation

  • Please make an appointment with us about 4 weeks (at least 2 weeks)
prior to your talk, so we can discuss the focus of the talk and you can start preparing.

  • Make another appointment/date about 1.5 weeks prior to your talk
(latest on monday before your talk) where you either - send the COMPLETE slides and audience questions (5-10) via mail - or come to us and present your slides and audience questions (5-10). The latter is recommended, as we can iron out small mistakes much more effectively.

  • Prepare the talk for ~50-60 minutes. See the guidelines below for good
talks (or start googling yourself - but remember: not everything on YouTube is true).

Talk schedule

Location, location, location

  • Takustr.9 , room 005


  • saturdays: 10 am - 4 pm
  • sundays: 12 am - 6 pm


name topic date paper url slides
Andreas Eckart RazerS 12/03/2011
Christopher Ozdoba AGE - BreakPoint DP 12/03/2011
Matt Huska GSNAP 12/03/2011 MHuska_GSNAP.pdf
Yvonne Mayer SRiC 12/04/2011
Jörgen Brandt Isobar - iTRAQ 12/04/2011
Jan M. Josten SRMA 12/04/2011
Mathias Kuhring InsPecT 01/21/2012
Anke Penzlin ETISEQ 01/21/2012
Oliver Stolpe StructuralVariant Framework 01/21/2012
Sabrina Krakau Variation Hunter 01/22/2012
Martin Wettig BreakSeq 01/22/2012
Jörn Bethune CancerSequencing & ChimeraScan 01/22/2012 and


Introduction slides:
  • see attachment table below

Relevant review papers:

Presentation templates:

Two useful guides on how to give a good seminar talk:


An welchem Ort findet das ganze statt? Im gleichen Raum im Pi-Gebäude wie bisher?

-- Main.jbethune - 02 Dec 2011

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