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General Information

The following sections presents all important information f.ex. studying & family and were adapted to the several status groups: students, academics & scientists and other employees.


Academic Advising & Psychological Counseling

The Center for Academic Advising and Psychological Counseling assists you with any questions regarding studying at Freie Universität or study-related problems. The offer includes workshops as well as individual counseling and training courses.

Formal questions concerning the organisation of studying can be answered by the examinations offices at the department.

A full and competent advice on financial aid can be obtained at the Social Counseling of the Studentenwerk.

The local women’s representative advises and supports students of the department, e.g. in conflicts.

In case of sexual harassment (verbal or non-verbal, stalking) you should necessarily contact the women’s representative of the department or the Chief Gender Equality Officer (Working Group against Sexual Harassment at Freie Universität Berlin). All requests are strictly confidential.


Financial Support for Women

Within the scope of performance-oriented allocation of funding for the area of gender equality at Freie Universität Berlin, the department offers various options to provide financial support for women.
More information can be taken from the process of allocating financial support for women.

Applications can be constantly submitted to the women’s representative.
Depending on the number of applications the Women’s Financial Support Committee (KFFM) will meet as soon as possible for making a resolution.


Career Planning

The Career Service of Freie Universität Berlin supports students and graduates at the transition from university to work by providing information, advice and training.


Overview of all advising-offers for students at Freie Universität Berlin.

Academics & Scientist

Recruitment Procedure & Conflict Management

The women’s representative at the department is the local person who is known at the institutes and entrusted with all of the relevant details within the department. The duties and rights of the women’s representatives are rooted in law (BerlHG, LGG) and are governed by the Guidelines on the Promotion of Women (Frauenförderrichtlinien, FFR) of Freie Universität Berlin.

Concerning conflicts at work, female employees have the opportunity to contact the head of administration, the staff council or the women’s representative.

In case of sexual harassment (verbal or non-verbal, stalking) you should necessarily contact the women’s representative of the department, the Chief Gender Equality Officer (Working Group against Sexual Harassment at Freie Universität Berlin) or a member of the Staff Council. All requests are strictly confidential.


Financial Support for Women

Within the scope of performance-oriented allocation of funding for the area of gender equality at Freie Universität Berlin, the department offers various options to provide financial support for women.
More information can be taken from the process of allocating financial support for women.

Applications can be constantly submitted to the women’s representative.
Depending on the number of applications the Women’s Financial Support Committee (KFFM) will meet as soon as possible for making a resolution.

Events from the Rhoda-Erdmann-Program and travel to Informatica Feminale receive support in the form of grants, taking a reasonable contribution by attendees themselves into account.

Rhoda-Erdmann-Program (Continuing Education)

Informatica Feminale Bremen


Promotion Programs, Scholarships & Organisations

ProFil – Professionalization of Women in Research and Teaching

Promotion Programs just for Women (German Education Server)


Young Female Scientist Award of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.

For Women in Science (L’Oréal Foundation)

CEWS – Center of Excellence Women and Science

Association for Women in Mathematics

DREAM – shortly for Dahlem Research Mentoring – supports female doctoral students at the transition to an academic or non-academic career. The mentoring offers a specific individual assistance in career planning, the progression and deepening of work-related abilities as well as the setting up of reliable contacts.

Other Employees

Recruitment Procedure & Conflict Management

The women’s representative at the department is the local person who is known at the institutes and entrusted with all of the relevant details within the department. The duties and rights of the women’s representatives are rooted in law (BerlHG, LGG) and are governed by the Guidelines on the Promotion of Women (Frauenförderrichtlinien, FFR) of Freie Universität Berlin.

Concerning conflicts at work, female employees have the opportunity to contact the head of administration, the staff council or the women’s representative.

In case of sexual harassment (verbal or non-verbal, stalking) you should necessarily contact the women’s representative of the department, the Chief Gender Equality Officer (Working Group against Sexual Harassment at Freie Universität Berlin) or a member of the Staff Council. All requests are strictly confidential.

Financial Support for Women

Within the scope of performance-oriented allocation of funding for the area of gender equality at Freie Universität Berlin, the department offers various options to provide financial support for continuing education measures for women.

More information can be taken from the process of allocating financial support for women.

Applications can be constantly submitted to the women’s representative.
Depending on the number of applications the Women’s Financial Support Committee (KFFM) will meet as soon as possible for making a resolution.

Studying & Family

Dual Career & Family Service

The Dual Career & Family Service of Freie Universität Berlin informs and advises employees and students with children or family members being in need of care. Apart from information about studying with a child/children, the pages of the Dual Career & Family Service also offer a summary of childcare options at Freie Universität Berlin.


Personnel Offices

Information about maternity leave or parental leave also as possibilities of flexible working hours for employees of the Freie Universität Berlin can be obtained at the personnel offices.


At the Department

Children of every age are welcome at the department. The Computer Science has a fully accessible building. All other areas are at least at the ground floor accessible. The baby changing and nursing facilities are very well equipped at the department.

Formal questions can be answered by the examinations offices. More information about actual measurements can be taken from the Studies & Child website.

At the department, student parents and employees can also be supported by the women’s representative, e.g. in case of conflicts or compensation arranging. All inquiries are treated confidentially.


Social Counseling from the Studentenwerk

The Social Counseling from the Studentenwerk offers a competent advisory and provides an overview of several available services.

Scholarships and studying abroad

A fellowship abroad with child can be financed through "Erasmus-program". For more information please contact the International Office at Freie Universität Berlin or visit the website studying abroad with children.