Cluster Computing Sommersemester 2021

This is the homepage of the lecture Cluster Computing (Vorlesung) and its corresponding tutorial (Übung).


Cluster computers are the prevailing type of high performance computers. They are built of custom off-the-shelf processor boards that are connected by a high speed interconnection network. Although usually locally integrated, they are conceptually distributed systems with local operating system images. Their enormous potential, however, can only be exploited if program code and data are optimally distributed across the nodes. Cluster management mechanisms also need to be scalable to be employed in systems with thousands of nodes. This lecture provides an overview of the architecture of cluster computers and the related management problems for which algorithmic solutions are presented.

Organizational Matters

See the entry in the course catalog.


Target group

  • Computer Science Master students


  • Experience with computers and software as well as programing skills.


info KVV (course syllabus)
  • All participants need to have registered in the KVV (course syllabus)
    • Subscribe to »Cluster Computing S21«.


  • Lecture:
    • Tuesday, 10–12, online, see KVV
  • Tutorial:
    • Friday, 12–14, online, see KVV

  • Exam:
  • Nachprüfung - bitte einen Termin auswählen und ersten Buchstaben des ersten Vornamens und ersten Buchstabens des Nachnamens (bei Überschneidung im Namensraum mit letzter Ziffer der Matrikelnummer ergänzen) eintragen:
Datum Uhrzeit Teilnehmende/r
04.10.2021 10:00 HS
04.10.2021 10:30 LM
04.10.2021 11:00  
04.10.2021 11:30  


  • The course language is German (or English if requested).
  • The exam will be formulated in German, but answers may be given in English, too.

Credits & Exams

The criteria for gaining credits are
  • active participation in the tutorials: regular preparation of assignements & presentation of results in the tutorials
  • passing of the exam

Differences to previous lecture courses

  • 2017: new lecture course



The actual slides are in English.

Week TopicSorted descending Slides as PDF Slides as Video
7 The Quantitative Partitioning Problem Quantitative Partitioning Problem QuantitativeAllocation_00, QuantitativeAllocation_01
9 The Mapping Problem Mapping Problem Mapping_00, Mapping_01
11 Scheduling of dependent Threads Scheduling Scheduling_00, Scheduling_01
8 Qualitative Partitioning Qualitative Partitioning QualitativePartitioning_00, QualitativePartitioning_01
4 Performance Aspects Performance Aspects PerformanceAspects_00, PerformanceAspects_01
1 Organization and Motivation Organization Organization, Motivation_a_00, Motivation_a_01, Motivation_b_00, Motivation_b_01
10 Load Balancing Problem Load Balancing Loadbalancing_00, Loadbalancing_01
2 Introduction Introduction Introduction_00, Introduction_01
6 Basic Algorithms for Allocation Problems Basic Algorithms BasicAlgorithms_00, BasicAlgorithms_01
3 Architecture Architecture Architecture_00, Architecture_01
5 Allocation Problems in Parallel Computers Allocation Problems AllocationProblems_00, AllocationProblems_01


Topic revision: r9 - 30 Sep 2021, nilso96 - This page was cached on 23 Feb 2025 - 01:42.

Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Informatik