The definition of a (light-weight) process enhancement, which is suitable for the Open Source development model.
The installation of the defined process enhancement in a represential project of the F/OSS community
Testing or rather capturing the qualitative advantages (as well as eventual disadvantages) in the studied project.
Finally the process enhancement should be made available as a reusable tool for other F/OSS projects
The following considerations have already been done:
The extension or enhancement of the existing process should have no or minimal impact on the work of the developers
The enhancement and the resulting process has to fit to the development philosophy of F/OSS
The starting-point will be human deficiencies like forgetfulness and lack of organisation, as well as attributes of the communication channels (e.g. decisions made in long mailing-list threads are hardly to comprehend for non-involved persons), which should be lowered by the work of a to-be defined role and possible tool usage
For example the enhancements of the process should help to
making decision-making processes and their results comprehensible and
delivering newbies means for rapid orientation inside the project
The pre-formulated solution is „informations management“
Bonus-Task (if interested in publication):
Testing reusability by applying the process enhancement in other F/OSS projects