Analyse und Erweiterung der Voice-over-IP-Funktionalität in Saros
Saros besitzt eine eigene Voice-over-IP-Funktionalität, die sich nahtlos in das Sitzungsmanagement einfügt. Dazu fehlen noch: Konferenzmodus, Performanceoptimierung und Benutzbarkeitsevaluierung. Im Rahmen einer X-Arbeit soll hier ein Teil dieser Funktionalität implementiert und evaluiert werden.
tried to create a fix for a Voice over IP issue mentioned by Christopher
gained some understanding about the Voice over IP Module
Next Steps:
discuss my fix with a team member
the fix is not yet tested
Week 2 (CW 19)
analyzed an NPE Issue mentioned by Christopher
Introduction to the scope of jspeex
Voice over IP module tested locally
found some other minor issues
assumed origin of the NPE found, seems to be an array overflow
Next Steps:
further investigations on the NPE Problem
analyze the found problems
first assessment about jspeex conference channel properties
preparation of the introduction presentation
I was not able to reproduce the array overflow
Week 3 (CW 20)
rewrote the Audioformat Fix
added a sound check method to that fix
prepared a Virtualbox for OS-related tests
analyzed the Voice over IP -Binarychannel Issue during a PP Session with Christopher
Binarychannel problem located
Audioformat Fix almost finished
Next Steps:
extend the sound check method adding a short audiodata exchange
rewrite the sound data read/write action
i am not sure about performance problems caused by the sound check method
Week 4 & 5 (CW 20/21)
did some testing due to the release process
integrated the main packets of the Eclipse Communication Framework into my Workspace and did some research related to Voice over IP Possibilities based on Morits Post's Work
bug fixing assistance
finished soundcheck method
Audioformat Patch is ready for testing
Eclipse Communication Framework has to be abandoned due to Legal Issues (Saros GPL bites with ECF EPL)