You are here: Foswiki>SE Web>ThesisDPPXVI>ThesisDPPXVITestedPlugins (29 Apr 2010, AlenaKiwitt)Edit Attach

Getestete Plugins

Diese Seite enthält Informationen über die im Rahmen der Bachelorarbeit "Unterstützung unterschiedlicher Programmiersprachen und Plugins in einem Werkzeug für kollaborative Softwareentwicklung" (ThesisDPPXVI von Alena Kiwitt).

Übersichtstabelle der Plugin-Kompatibilität

Plug-in Supportable Editor(s) Tested Passed Comments
Aptana Adobe AIR   DONE -
Aptana RadRails Ruby Editor DONE DONE -
Aptana RadRails Aptana ERB Editor DONE Highlighting does not work properly. Reported bug #2939379
Aptana Studio Aptana HTML Editor DONE Highlighting does not work properly. Reported bug #2939379
Aptana Studio Aptana JS Editor DONE DONE -
Aptana Studio Aptana CSS Editor DONE Highlighting does not work properly. Reported bug #2939379
CDT C/C++ Editor DONE DONE -
Dev3 TypoScript 2.0 Editor DONE DONE -
Dev3 Typo3 4 Editor DONE Absolutely NO synchronizing AT ALL. The driver types something and the observer sees - NOTHING. This is a known bug that is caused by Dev3, not Saros.
EasyEclipse Syntax Colouring Editor DONE -
EasyEclipse Amateras HTML Editor DONE -
EasyEclipse for C and C++   DONE -
EasyEclipse for PHP PHP Editor DONE EasyEclipse installs Saros correctly via update site but after restarting Eclipse it is simply not there. You can enable/disable it by "manage configuration" but you can't choose any Saros view and there's no Saros entry in the preferences.
EasyEclipse for Python Python Editor (from PyDev) DONE s.a.
EasyEclipse for Ruby and Rails Ruby Editor (from RadRails) DONE All buggy. EasyEclipse refuses to install any plug-in, reporting a conflict with a RadRails dependency. I've reported that to the project's website.
EPIC Perl Editor DONE DONE -
FlexBuilder ActionScript Editor DONE It is not possible to install both FlexBuilder and Saros at the same time since there is a conflict at osgi.bundle/org.eclipse.debug.ui/ (FlexBuilder requires an older version than Saros).
FlexBuilder Adobe FLASH Editor DONE s.a.
PyDev Python Editor DONE DONE -


Topic revision: r1 - 29 Apr 2010, AlenaKiwitt - This page was cached on 24 Feb 2025 - 13:06.

Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Informatik