Survey Rules

How to use the PhpESP system installed on

User Workflow

  • Request a new user account from Stephan Salinger.
  • Design your survey using the management interface at
  • Switch the survey to testing and run a pilot test.
  • Enable the survey, link to it from SurveyHome and define an end-date.
  • Stop the survey and retrieve the results.

Customizing the design

  • PHPESP only supports minimal customization using CSS. To do so put your CSS into the folder /htdocs/public/css/ and then select it using the Theme setting on the General tab of the Edit menu of the survey.
  • More elaborate customizing should look at the handler.php in the /htdocs/public/ folder.

Best practice

  • Once you start a survey, you cannot change it anymore unless you create a copy with a different name. Thus you should start with a title that includes a number (for instance MySurvey1) and increment that number each time you do a test. For the final survey you then still have the original name (MySurvey in our case).

Administrator Information

  • The files of the survey system are located on \\web\
  • To change the html and layout of the system you need to modify the files /htdocs/public/survey.php and /htdocs/public/aggregate.css
  • The login-form was customized to point to this page in the file \htdocs\admin\include\lib\



This topic: SE > WebHome > RulesHome > SurveyRules
Topic revision: 14 Oct 2009, LutzPrechelt
Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Informatik