Student information

Information and pointers for students interested in software engineering

Exams (Prüfungen)

For an overview of what is required of you, you should read the Prüfungsordnung and Studienordnung documents of your program of study (Studiengang). They (and other information) can be found on the institute's Studium pages.

The regulations for the written exams for individual courses are found on the respective course pages, see TeachingHome.

Agreements regarding time and content of oral exams (mündliche Prüfungen) are usually made interactively in the Sprechstunde of Lutz Prechelt. If a discussion is probably not required, the easiest way by far is to send an email containing the suggested topics and 3-5 possible dates.

Thesis topics

If you are interested in potential topics for your Diplomarbeit, Studienarbeit, Bachelor- or Master thesis, have a look at the offered topics on the theses page and talk to the respective contact person. You might also want to review the projects listed on our research pages for interesting work that needs to be done. More information about how to write your thesis and what exactely is expected from you can be found on the page Thesis Rules.

If that does not work, drop by and talk to us about what you would like to do, we are open for suggestions.

Jobs and internships ("Praktikum")

If we have any student job offers in our group (which is not too common), those are also listed on the individual project pages.

If you are looking for a job as Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter: Those are officially advertised in "Stellenanzeiger der FU" and require a formal application. If or when a position will be available in our group is best inquired by talking to us. The situation in other groups is not generally known to us and you might want to inquire with them directly.

If you are looking for an internship (Praktikum) at a company, please have a look at the central pages about internships.

Other interesting topics

For advice regarding participation in a seminar, writing a thesis, and other topics, please see Section "Teaching" of page RulesHome.


For appointments, see SprechstundeLutzPrechelt.


Topic revision: r14 - 31 Jan 2013, BodoRiedigerKlaus - This page was cached on 05 Mar 2025 - 20:51.

Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Informatik