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Topic "Quality Assurance"

If you have questions, comments, critics etc. send an e-mail to: István Bartkowiak. Although there are three separated topics delegated to me this page will discourse these topics at one place. Please take care that this page will contain the following three topics:

  • 15. Software Release Management (SRM)
  • 16. Safety and Security (this might be delegated to another member of this seminar)
  • 17. Quality Assurance

Please contact me, if there are conflicts with your topics.

You can download the paper and the slides of my work here:

In according to the spirit of OSS, I'm very happy getting helpful feedback or critics!


  1. Arbeitskreis Technische und organisatorische Datenschutzfragen, Transparente Software - eine Voraussetzung für datenschutzfreundliche Technologien, November 2000. pdf-File
  2. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Firoz Kaderali, Ansätze zur Qualitätssicherung und Rückkopplung der Campus-Source-Nutzer, FernUniversität Hagen - Fachbereich Elektrotechnik, Juni 2000. pdf-File
  3. Markus Pasche und Sebastian von Engelhardt, Volkswirtschaftliche Aspekte der Open-Source-Softwareentwicklung, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena - Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, 2004. pdf-File
  4. Kristian Köhntopp, Marit Köhntopp und Andreas Pfitzmann, Sicherheit durch Open Source? - Chancen und Grenzen, Secure Electronic Marketplace for Europe (SEMPER) - Sicherheit in Rechnernetzen/Security in Computer Networks (SIRENE), Juli 2000. pdf-File
  5. Casper Clemens Mierau, Motivation und Organisation von Open Source Projekten, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 2002. pdf-File
  6. Stephan Wiesner, Qualitätssicherung von J2EE Anwendungen V1.0, November 2004. pdf-File
  7., The Open Source Definition, 2005. pdf-File
  8. The Mozilla Organization, Mozilla Quality Assurance, November 2004. link
  9. Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Six, Technische und gesellschaftliche Chancen der luK-Technologien, September 2002. pdf-File
  10. Sebastian Jekutsch, Diverses zum Thema Open-Source-Entwicklungsmodell, Dezember 2004. pdf-File
  11. Dr. Stefan Koch, Entwicklung von Open Source und kommerzieller Software: Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten, Institut für Informationsverarbeitung und Informationswirtschaft, 2001. pdf-File
  12. Elisabeth Hendrickson, Better Testing - Worse Quality?, International Conference on Software Management & Application of Software Measurement, Februar 2001. pdf-File
  13. Stefan Kruber, Die Rolle des Internets für Open Source Projekte, FH Regensburg, November 2004. pdf-File
  14. Martin Matuska, Kategorisierung von Open Source Projekten, Institut für Informationsverarbeitung und -wirtschaft der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, 2003. pdf-File
  15. James Bach, The Challenge of "Good Enough" Software, American Programmer magazine, 1995. pdf-File
  16. David Ganster, Sicherheit up to date, IT-Security Special 4/2003, 2003. pdf-File
  17. Peter G. Neumann, Robust Nonpropietary Software, IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, Oakland CA, Mai 2000. pdf-File
  18. Luyin Zhao and Sebastian Elbaum, Quality assurance under the open source development model, The Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 66, 2003. link
  19. Volker Grassmuck, Freie Software - Zwischen Privat- und Gemeineigentum, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb), 2002. pdf-File
  20. Ian Sommerville, Software Egineering, Addison-Wesley, Longham Amsterdam, Mai 2004, ISBN 0-321-21026-3.
  21. Heinz Sauerburger (Hrsg.), Open-Source-Software, dpunkt.verlag GmbH, Heidelberg, August 2004, ISBN 3-89864-291-7.
  22. Berthold Daum, Java-Entwicklung mit Eclipse 2, dpunkt.verlag GmbH, Heidelberg, 2003, ISBN 3-89864-227-5.
  23. Justin R. Erenkrantz, Release Management within Open Source Projects, Booktitle: 3rd Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering, International Conference on Software Engineering, May 2003. pdf-File
  24. Thomas Craig, Improving Verification, Validation, and Test of the Linux Kernel: the Linux Stabilization Project, Booktitle: 3rd Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering, International Conference on Software Engineering, May 2003. pdf-File

1 Introduction

1.1 The notion of Quality

1.2 Requirements for quality assessment

1.3 The creation of a quality consciousness

1.4 The creation of quality standards

1.5 Definitions

1.6 The management of software defects

1.7 Management of error reports

2 Software Errors

2.1 Possibilities of user inquiry

2.2 Possibilities of user help

3 Software Defects

3.1 Defect classification

3.2 Defect prevention

3.3 Defect compensation

4 Software Faults

4.1 Unit tests and test suites

4.2 Mass tests

5 Software Failures

5.1 Plug-in-Architecture

5.2 Scenario-specific adaption

6 Product responsibility

6.1 The team model

6.2 The reputation model

6.3 The hybrid model

7 Product certification

8 Further development of OSS

8.1 Versioning

8.1.1 Release authority

8.1.2 Development stages

8.1.3 Distribution of releases

8.1.4 Version number assignment using the example of the Linux Kernel Project

8.2 Security aspects

9 Summary and outlook

Change Log

  • 22.04.2005 Updating the structure based on the English paper. Attaching the paper (English version).
  • 05.03.2005 Updating the attached paper (German version) and the structure based on the paper.
  • 01.03.2005 Updating structure based on the first version paper. Adding new references. Attaching the paper and slides (German version).
  • 06.01.2005 According to the lecture "Software Egineering" of Prof. Dr. Lutz Prechelt the structure was updated. References added.
  • 12.12.2004 Start modifying this section. Creating the first structure of the topic.

Given content...

Quality Assurance is the establishment of a framwork of organisational procedures and standards that lead to high-quality software (Sommerville, 2004). In contrast to traditional software engineering, open source projects lack a lot of the required structure to perform these procedures and to adhere to and enforce these standards. In many cases there is even resistance to yield to and implement such an framework as the ISO 9000 set. This seminar topic is to inspect and present the existing contrasts concerning QA.

Key Questions

  • What kind of importance do traditional quality measures hold in the world of Open Source?
  • How is quality ensured in the OS-world?
  • What are differences between the worlds and where could both learn from each other?



  • James Bach, 03. The Challenge of "Good Enough" Software. In American Programmer 2003. (PDF, 50kb)
  • Elisabeth Hendrikson, 01. Better Testing - Worse Quality?. Proceedings International Conference on Software Management & Applications of Software Measurement, 2001. (PDF, 953kb)


I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
oss_qa.pdfpdf oss_qa.pdf manage 395 K 10 Apr 2005 - 20:15 UnknownUser paper (German version)
oss_qa.pptppt oss_qa.ppt manage 160 K 01 Mar 2005 - 16:52 UnknownUser slides (German version)
oss_qa_en.pdfpdf oss_qa_en.pdf manage 399 K 22 Apr 2005 - 19:24 UnknownUser paper (English version)
Topic revision: r15 - 27 Jun 2005, oezbekPCPOOL.MI.FU-BERLIN.DE - This page was cached on 01 Feb 2025 - 16:08.

Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Informatik