Analysis of Professional Pair Programmers

We are interested in finding cooperation partners for our research: companies that use Pair Programming (PP).

What is our research goal?

As software engineering researchers our goal is to understand pair programming in such a way that we can advise practitioners how to optimize the process and thus use it most efficiently. Therefore we identify and describe advantageous and disadvantageous patterns of behavior in the Pair Programming process.

What could be your role?

Our research is based on careful analysis of recorded pair programming sessions. We would like to visit you at your company to record one or more Pair Programming sessions, each about 1 to 4 hours long. These sessions capture your ordinary day-to-day work and do not involve a lot of overhead for you. We do of course agree to the non-disclosure of your proprietary information that may be reflected in these recordings.

What would be your benefits?

There are two benefits, one of them short-term:

ad-hoc analysis (on-site): One day after the recording we will conduct an ad-hoc analysis of the session with the pair members, focusing on the important and conspicuous characteristics of the process. As we are outsiders, this will abstract away the technical details of your work and will focus on the process flow instead, helping you to reflect on how you work. We spend several hours of preparation time analyzing the recording in order to prepare our feedback.

Detailed analysis: In the weeks after the recording we will analyze your session more closely and integrate the observations with those from other sessions. The results form part of our research results which will eventually be published. In contrast to non-participants, you will be sure that the published results actually apply to you (and not just to some arbitrary companies somewhere else in the world).



If you are interested in participating in our research or for further information, please contact StephanSalinger.



This topic: SE > WebHome > ResearchHome > PairProgrammingHome > AnalysisOfProfessionalPairProgrammers
Topic revision: 06 Aug 2012, LutzPrechelt
Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Informatik