Martin Gruhn's Homepage

I worked with the Software Engineering research group (in German: Arbeitsgruppe Software Engineering -- AG SE) as research associate until August 2009.

Dipl.-Medieninf. Martin Gruhn

Please note: I do not work at Freie Universitaet Berlin anymore.


I taught the following courses:

Besides, I was engaged in establishing a regular event to exchange practical experience in organising and planning university courses (i.e. seminars, projects, exercise courses) at our institute. Please see (in German): Wiki-Seite zum Austausch über Lehre.


The main concern of the research group is to support the software development process. I have joined the group in autumn 2007 and found my personal task in security engineering and open source software (OSS). We envision to introduce process innovations into the open source software development process to make web applications such as web content management systems more secure. Since August 2009 I am no longer doing research in this field.

To learn more about my former research project, have a look in my publications below (research papers and talks). You may also visit our FOSS Home to find out about related work in the research group.

Thesis Advisory


Conference Papers:
  • M. Gruhn: Security Engineering and Open Source Software Development. FOSDEM 2008. Published online on
  • M. Gruhn, S. Föll, J. Pontow, D. Linner, and I. Radusch: Semantic Locations in Online Communities. Proceedings of International Conference on Semantic Computing (IEEE ICSC 2007), pp. 224-234, Irvine CA, USA, September 17-19, 2007, DOI: 10.1109/ICOSC.2007.4338353



To see what I am doing now and to contact me, go to my Xing profile page.

Topic revision: r68 - 01 Aug 2010, MartinGruhn - This page was cached on 05 Mar 2025 - 12:14.

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