Informatik-Kolloquium WiSe 2006/2007

Termine, Vortragende, Titel und Zusammenfassungen für das Kolloquium im Wintersemester 2006/2007.

Die Vorträge finden in unregelmäßigen Abständen in der Regel Freitags um 14:00 Uhr im Seminarraum 049 in der Takustr. 9 statt.

Vorläufige Terminreservierungen ohne Gastname sind als "(reserviert von [Einladende/r])" einzutragen; Termine noch ohne Gewähr als "(wahrscheinlich)" o.ä. zu markieren. Im Rumpf des Eintrags steht jeweils, wer den Vortrag organisiert. (Zur technischen Notation siehe ShortHand.)

Ab spätestens einen Tag vor dem Vortrag sollte auch eine Zusammenfassung dabeistehen.

Information zum Anlegen von Kolloquiumseiten pro Semester findet man unter KolloWeitereInfos


05. Oktober (Donnerstag!): Felix Buebl

Dr. Felix Buebl (Manager Bioinformatics Software Group, Epigenomics AG):
"Keeping Track of Crosscutting Requirements in UML Models via Context-Based Constraints"

Donnerstag, 5.10.2006, 16:15, R. 051 (L. Prechelt)

20. Oktober: Michael Kölling (evtl.)

(ggf) Michael Kölling (C. Schulte)

27. Oktober: Festkolloquium Peter Löhr

Festkolloquium Prof. Dr. Löhr


3. November: Daniela Kirsch und Caspar von Wrede

Daniela Kirsch und Kaspar von Wrede (GD GameDuell GmbH,
"Softwareentwicklung für Computerspiele: Anforderungsbestimmung, Qualitätssicherung, Projektmanagement" (Lutz Prechelt)

24. November:


1. Dezember: Thorsten Schlieder:

"Xyleme Server: Management von XML-Daten im Rechnerverbund" ( AG Prof. Schweppe)

8. Dezember: Joachim Gudmundsson (National ICT Australia)

"Reporting patterns among geospatial trajectories"

Widespread availability of location aware devices (such as GPS receivers) promotes capture of detailed movement trajectories of people, animals, vehicles and other moving objects, opening new options for a better understanding of the processes involved. In this talk we investigate spatio-temporal movement patterns in large tracking data sets. We present natural definitions of several patterns, and discuss how such patterns can be computed from a group of moving entities.

For more information see:

15. Dezember: Michiel Smid (Carleton University, Canada)

"Geometric Spanner Networks: A Survey"

Given a set S of n points in d-dimensional space and a real number t>1, a t-spanner for S is a graph with vertex set S, such that any two points p and q of S are connected by a path whose length is at most t times the Euclidean distance between p and q. I will present an overview of the three main constructions for computing t-spanners:
  • The Theta-graph and its variants.
  • The WSPD-spanner, which is based on the well-separated pair decomposition.
  • The path-greedy spanner.
Techniques used in the path-greedy spanner can be used to design a data structure of size O(n log n), such that an approximate shortest path between any two query points can be computed in O(1) time.

22. Dezember: Dr. Nicole Weicker, LE-TeX Leipzig: Fachintegrierte Vermittlung von Schlüsselkompetenzen der Informatik

Schlüsselkompetenzen der Informatik können nur zu einem geringen Anteil durch fachfremde Lehrende vermittelt werden. Notwendig ist eine integrierte, fundierte Vermittlung der fachspezifischen Schlüsselkompetenzen innerhalb der Informatiklehre an Hochschulen. Dabei genügt es jedoch nicht, über passende Lehrveranstaltungsformen die Möglichkeit für Erfahrungen bzgl. spezieller Schlüsselkompetenzen zu geben. Um einen tatsächlichen Kompetenzerwerb zu ermöglichen, wird ein umfassendes Konzept zur Iteration von Erfahrungsgewinn und fundierter Rückmeldung für die jeweiligen Schlüsselqualifikationen benötigt.


19. Januar: Frau Dr. Prof. Hwang (AG Schweppe)

26. Januar: Cedric Notredame (Université d'Aix Marseille I / CNRS Marseille, France) (AG Reinert)

Combining Sequence Information with T-Coffee

Well integrated biological data lends itself to the identification of biologically meaningful patterns. Multiple Sequence Alignments constitute one of the most powerful ways of carrying out such a task. In this context, the integration takes the form of simultaneously aligning related sequences in order to reveal evolutionary conserved patterns. Multiple Sequence Alignments have so many applications that they have become household items in biology and few data processing pipelines exist that do not require the assembly of an alignment. Yet, the wealth of available alternative methods means that the user is not only faced with the problem of selecting and aligning sequences, but also with the necessity of choosing one method or integrating the results delivered by many. In the course of this seminar I will discuss how various methods can be integrated into one. I will also go further and show that a multiple sequence alignments can be used to integrate much more than sequence information, as long as this information is properly mapped onto the sequences. This concept, named template-based multiple sequence alignment will be illustrated with a simple example: the combination of sequences and structures within multiple sequence alignments. I will finally discuss how multiple sequence alignment methods are currently validated and why I believe we need to challenge these procedures in order to take further our understanding of biological sequences. Most of the tools discussed in this talk are available from


2. Februar: : Frau Prof. König-Ries (AG Schweppe)

Kolloquium in anderen Semestern

Nächstes Semester


Frühere Semester



Topic revision: r2 - 13 Jul 2007, GesineMilde - This page was cached on 08 Mar 2025 - 14:40.

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