Little explanation how German telephone numbers work.
Let's consider the following number as an example
+49 (030) 838 - 75242
We can split this number in the following parts:
+ The plus sign represents digits that enable you to dispatch an international call. Inside Germany this is "00" (when calling to another country). In the US this is usually "011".
49 Germany's country code.
030 Berlin's area code with prepended 0. The 0 switches from local to distance calls and is not needed when calling from an international line.
838 This is the phone number of the FU Berlin. If you append a 0 you will be dispatched to the directory assistant.
75242 This is your party's extension.
Here are some examples:
You are in the US and want to call the number above. You dial 011 49 30 838 75242.
You are in Germany. You dial 030 838 75242.
You are in Berlin on a landline with area code 030. You dial 838 75242.
You are on a German cellphone. Dial 030 838 75242.