You are here: Foswiki>Main Web>ChristopherOezbek>GermanTelephoneNumbers (29 Sep 2004, oezbekPCPOOL.MI.FU-BERLIN.DE)Edit Attach

Little explanation how German telephone numbers work.

Let's consider the following number as an example

+49 (030) 838 - 75242

We can split this number in the following parts:

  • + The plus sign represents digits that enable you to dispatch an international call. Inside Germany this is "00" (when calling to another country). In the US this is usually "011".
  • 49 Germany's country code.
  • 030 Berlin's area code with prepended 0. The 0 switches from local to distance calls and is not needed when calling from an international line.
  • 838 This is the phone number of the FU Berlin. If you append a 0 you will be dispatched to the directory assistant.
  • 75242 This is your party's extension.

Here are some examples:

  • You are in the US and want to call the number above. You dial 011 49 30 838 75242.
  • You are in Germany. You dial 030 838 75242.
  • You are in Berlin on a landline with area code 030. You dial 838 75242.
  • You are on a German cellphone. Dial 030 838 75242.
  • You are on a phone inside FU Berlin. Dial 75242.

-- Christopher Oezbek - 30 Aug 2004
Topic revision: r2 - 29 Sep 2004, oezbekPCPOOL.MI.FU-BERLIN.DE - This page was cached on 06 Mar 2025 - 17:38.

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