IT-Services::Mac - Upgrade or installation of MS Office or Acrobat Pro, resp. (FU framework contracts 2014)

After framework contracts have been signed between FU Berlin and Microsoft and Adobe, MS Office 2011/Mac and Adobe Acrobat XI Pro can be installed on every FU computer (= computer bought from FU funds). In the following sections, we describe the steps necessary to upgrade older versions of Acrobat Pro or to install one or both software packages on centrally administered Apple computers ("Macs").

Prerequisites for the installation

Prerequisites for the installation of MS Office 2011

  • there is no Office 2011 installed on the computer

Prerequisites for the installation of Adobe Acrobat XI Pro

  • There is no Adobe Acrobat Pro installed on the computer or
  • There is Adobe Acrobat Pro version 9 oder version X installed on the computer

Adobe Reader, if it is installed on the computer, does not hurt or interfere.

Duration of the installation

ALERT! Depending on the age and the configuration of the computer, the installation can take more than 30 minutes. The computer has to be continously online in the departmental network during the installation process to avoid problems.

Process of installation

  1. The user of the Mac contacts the IT Service of the Department of Math & Computer Science (e-mail to is preferred), stating the name of the FU computer where Acrobat Pro and/or Office 2011 are to be installed. Both sides agree on a date and time for the installation.
  2. At the designated time, the computer has to be brought online via cable in the departmental data network, and the machine must be powered on.
    ALERT! The newer MacBooks missing a built-in network interface need to be connected via a USB- or Thunderbolt-to-Ethernet adapter! Connecting via WLAN/Eduroan is not sufficient!
  3. The IT Service folks trigger the installation of the desired software on the respective computer via the central software-management software ("Absolute Manage").
  4. The user can continue to work with the computer during the installation process, but she must not reboot, power down or put the machine to sleep -- and she must not disconnect the computer from the data network, either.
  5. IT Service notifies the user if&when the installation was successfully finished and the computer can be disconnected or powered down again.

ALERT! Do not power down or put to sleep the computer, neither disconnect it from the data network, before "installation complete" has been confirmed by the IT Service folks!
Topic revision: r1 - 24 Jun 2014, IngmarUserTopic - This page was cached on 14 Mar 2025 - 01:12.

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