Date | Time | Location | room | |
Lecture | Tuesdays | 2 p.m. | Arnimallee 3-5 | lecture hall 001 |
Lecture | Wednesdays | 2 p.m. | Arnimallee 3-5 | lecture hall 001 |
Problem class | Wednesdays | 4 p.m. | Arnimallee 6 | seminar room 009 |
The course provides an introduction to stochastic processes with applications in physics and chemistry. We will develop the mathematical theory in the language of modern probability theory, mostly following the book by Øksendal. The results are then applied to diffusion problems and non-Markovian transport (as in heterogeneous fluids), with the Brownian motion of a colloidal particle serving as paradigmatic example. Further, we will discuss the modelling of chemical reactions, the derivation of stochastic equations of motion from a many-particle Liouville dynamics, and recent developments in non-equilibrium physics.
Name | Consultation Hour | |
Prof. Dr. Felix Höfling | appointment by e-mail | f.hoefling[at] |
Dr. Jan-Hendrik Prinz | appointment by e-mail | jan-hendrik.prinz[at] |