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Welcome to Reaction Diffusion Dynamics, summer term 2017



Lecturer: Chris Wehmeyer
Assistant: Chris Fröhner, Moritz Hoffmann
Language: English
course ID: 19402311
SWS: 2, LP/ECTS: 5, ungraded

News: 19.7. Course starts on 9:15 am on Monday morning with an installation party. There are sufficient desktop PCs for all participants. Non-FU participants will receive a preliminary account to log into machines but can also use their laptops & work via eduroam.

Please note that the course will be held during term break. The local cafeteria will be closed. There is only a Nescafé coffee dispenser in the building.


FU students must sign up for this class in Campus Management. If you missed the deadline, send an email to katja.geiger[at]

Non-resident students please send an email including name of home institute and study/research focus to katja.geiger[at] On day 1 you will receive a login key so you can use the PC pool workstations and the wifi network. If your institute supports eduroam, you can log into the campus wifi with your home credentials.


Blockkurs 24 to 28 July 9-15 h Arnimallee 6 R. 030 (PC Pool, ground floor)


Reaction diffusion simulations are important tools for the modeling of signal transduction cascades in cellular processes. This seminar consists of lectures for the introduction to reaction-diffusion processes as well as "hands-on" computer exercises in which the particle-based reaction-diffusion simulator ReaDDy ( will be taught.

Reaktions-Diffusions Simulationen sind ein wichtiges Werkzeug zur Modellierung von Signaltransduktionskaskaden in zellulären Prozessen. Dieses Seminar beinhaltet Vorträge zur Einführung in die Modellierung und Simulation von Reaktions-Diffusions-Prozesses sowie eine "hands-on" Computereinführung in den partikelbasierte Reaktions-Diffusions Simulator ReaDDy (
Topic revision: r4 - 17 Mar 2018, geiger - This page was cached on 22 Feb 2025 - 04:21.

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